Social Media Optimization - LinkedIn

Here are our Social Media Optimization - LinkedIn Packages designed to help your business succeed further.

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In addition, you may view or download our primer on the marketing benefits of LinkedIn for your business.


LinkedIn Setup and Design

Package Name
Setup & Design
One Time Service
Time for Completion - One Month
SMO Profile Creation, Design & Optimization
LinkedIn Setup
LinkedIn Profile Creation & Optimization

LinkedIn, while not as 'fun' as Twitter or Facebook, is an important social network for establishing online presence, especially for professionals. It's regarded as the premiere social networking site for finding business opportunities.

To start, we'll be asking for accurate details that we can use to start building your professional profile. These include an Email Address, the Full Name of the designated account owner, the person's Location, and a Profile Picture. Target keywords can also be inserted into the 'About' section of the profile upon request.

If there is already a LinkedIn profile that you would like us to use, we would need to ask for the access details for it (Username and Password), and we will be optimizing it for added impact.

Branded Content Writing for LinkedIn Profile

First impressions are crucial, and your LinkedIn profile may be the first opportunity for other professionals to get in touch with your brand. To give them a proper introduction, the content of the page must be consistent with how the brand is displayed elsewhere.

We will be writing branded content to post on your LinkedIn Page, with particular attention to the 'About Us' section, to give prospective contacts a proper preview of the company or business. It is also important to assure longtime contacts that your professional voice is the same, no matter where you are.

LinkedIn Profile Information Population

Credibility is important in the world of social networking, and that credibility can be measured partly by how easily people can know about you and your business. Sharing information about yourself is a great place to start.

For the LinkedIn Profile, we will be uploading information and contact details that are sent to us for specific use there.

Website Social Integration and Analytics
Social Sharing and Social Interaction Buttons Installed on Website and Blog

To increase client engagement, it is ideal to give them the opportunity to interact with you. Customers who have enjoyed or continue to enjoy your company's services and offerings will want to know how to get in touch. While email and customer hotlines are still around, Social Media is fast becoming a preferred alternative.

To this end, we will also be installing buttons onto your website and blog that will refer customers to your LinkedIn Page.

Social Media Analytics Installation - Google Analytics via Website

Google Analytics has incorporated a Social feature which shows traffic data gathered through Social Media websites. This is a great tool to measure the efficiency of the Social Media campaign which is why we will install Google Analytics onto the website as part of Social Integration. We will need to request for FTP and CPanel access to the website in order to install Google Analytics.

If the website already has Google Analytics installed, we would need to request our Gmail account to be provided Administrator access to it.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.


LinkedIn Marketing Services Packages

Package Name
Recommended Minimum Duration - can run for one month only, if desired
6 Months
6 Months
6 Months
Monthly LinkedIn Marketing Services
Social Media Services Breakdown
LinkedIn Marketing
LinkedIn Updates

With regular profile updates, we will ensure that your LinkedIn profile has credibility and presence on the social network. An online presence cannot be successfully established without activity.

Backlink Building from Updates

Updates are also a good opportunity to generate traffic into your site. By incorporating links to your site into updates, we increase the chances of people visiting your website, where they can learn more about your services and offerings.

LinkedIn Discussions

We start or participate in various discussions. This can be done within a LinkedIn Group that is related to the company's niche.

Backlink Building from Discussions

A well-placed backlink in a comment can also successfully channel traffic to your business website. By putting a link in a discussion or thread whose participants may be interested in your niche, there are increased chances for your website to get hits and conversions.

LinkedIn Groups Joined

Another opportunity to increase your company's reach is to join LinkedIn Groups. By selecting ones that are targeted to your niche, we can find people that may be interested in availing of your services or doing business. Participating in discussions can also be beneficial if you want to be established as an industry authority.

LinkedIn Friend Acquisition

For the Updates and posts to have an impact, we must acquire Friends. Any updates and posts we publish can appear on a contact's home page, which will increase the potential reach of the message. Backlinks will also only have an impact if they are read, and the chances of this happening are increased when they become part of someone's LinkedIn home page.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Social Media Analytics

Using analytics tools for social media, we can measure the effectiveness of our efforts to engage users. Metrics we use include mainly click counts and number of connections, but can also include Likes and comments on updates and posts.


LinkedIn Setup and Design

LinkedIn Profile Creation & Optimization

LinkedIn, while not as 'fun' as Twitter or Facebook, is an important social network for establishing online presence, especially for professionals. It's regarded as the premiere social networking site for finding business opportunities.

To start, we'll be asking for accurate details that we can use to start building your professional profile. These include an Email Address, the Full Name of the designated account owner, the person's Location, and a Profile Picture. Target keywords can also be inserted into the 'About' section of the profile upon request.

If there is already a LinkedIn profile that you would like us to use, we would need to ask for the access details for it (Username and Password), and we will be optimizing it for added impact.

Branded Content Writing for LinkedIn Profile

First impressions are crucial, and your LinkedIn profile may be the first opportunity for other professionals to get in touch with your brand. To give them a proper introduction, the content of the page must be consistent with how the brand is displayed elsewhere.

We will be writing branded content to post on your LinkedIn Page, with particular attention to the 'About Us' section, to give prospective contacts a proper preview of the company or business. It is also important to assure longtime contacts that your professional voice is the same, no matter where you are.

LinkedIn Profile Information Population

Credibility is important in the world of social networking, and that credibility can be measured partly by how easily people can know about you and your business. Sharing information about yourself is a great place to start.

For the LinkedIn Profile, we will be uploading information and contact details that are sent to us for specific use there.

Social Sharing and Social Interaction Buttons Installed on Website and Blog

To increase client engagement, it is ideal to give them the opportunity to interact with you. Customers who have enjoyed or continue to enjoy your company's services and offerings will want to know how to get in touch. While email and customer hotlines are still around, Social Media is fast becoming a preferred alternative.

To this end, we will also be installing buttons onto your website and blog that will refer customers to your LinkedIn Page.

Social Media Analytics Installation - Google Analytics via Website

Google Analytics has incorporated a Social feature which shows traffic data gathered through Social Media websites. This is a great tool to measure the efficiency of the Social Media campaign which is why we will install Google Analytics onto the website as part of Social Integration. We will need to request for FTP and CPanel access to the website in order to install Google Analytics.

If the website already has Google Analytics installed, we would need to request our Gmail account to be provided Administrator access to it.

Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

LinkedIn Marketing Services Packages

LinkedIn Updates

With regular profile updates, we will ensure that your LinkedIn profile has credibility and presence on the social network. An online presence cannot be successfully established without activity.

Backlink Building from Updates

Updates are also a good opportunity to generate traffic into your site. By incorporating links to your site into updates, we increase the chances of people visiting your website, where they can learn more about your services and offerings.

LinkedIn Discussions

We start or participate in various discussions. This can be done within a LinkedIn Group that is related to the company's niche.

Backlink Building from Discussions

A well-placed backlink in a comment can also successfully channel traffic to your business website. By putting a link in a discussion or thread whose participants may be interested in your niche, there are increased chances for your website to get hits and conversions.

LinkedIn Groups Joined

Another opportunity to increase your company's reach is to join LinkedIn Groups. By selecting ones that are targeted to your niche, we can find people that may be interested in availing of your services or doing business. Participating in discussions can also be beneficial if you want to be established as an industry authority.

LinkedIn Friend Acquisition

For the Updates and posts to have an impact, we must acquire Friends. Any updates and posts we publish can appear on a contact's home page, which will increase the potential reach of the message. Backlinks will also only have an impact if they are read, and the chances of this happening are increased when they become part of someone's LinkedIn home page.

Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Social Media Analytics

Using analytics tools for social media, we can measure the effectiveness of our efforts to engage users. Metrics we use include mainly click counts and number of connections, but can also include Likes and comments on updates and posts.

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