Local Buzz Services

Here are our Local Buzz Services Packages designed to help your business succeed further.

Hover over the question marks to get a quick description. You may also download this as a PDF with or without the extensive descriptions at the bottom part of this document.

In addition, you may view or download our primer on the marketing benefits of Local Buzz for your business.


Package Name
Local Buzz
Local Buzz
Local Buzz
Local Buzz
Local Buzz
Recommended Minimum Duration

The minimum recommended duration for any local marketing campaign is 6 months.  Ideally local campaigns run forever.  Local marketing is a long term marketing strategy that should be factored into a company's monthly overhead.  What is contained within this proposal does not cover 100% of ranking and traffic factors.  We recommend you to run this marketing campaign for a minimum of six months.

6 Months
6 Months
6 Months
6 Months
6 Months
Up to 5
Up to 10
Up to 15
Up to 20
Up to 20
Business Categories
Up to 2
Up to 3
Up to 5
Up to 5
Month 1 Services
Local Business Listing Research and Creation
Local Places Research
Duplicate Google Places Analysis

Duplicated listings for a single business can be problematic when they appear in Google search results or in a business owner's Google Places account. There should only be one listing per business location, both in the Google Places account and in search results. We will develop the best solution should your business appear more than once in your account or in search results. We will present the proposed changes before implementing any modifications.

Duplicate Foursquare Analysis

Foursquare is one of many secondary local search engines where you will need to list/claim and verify your business. Listing and claiming your business properly with Foursquare is an essential step to improving your local presence. 

One can’t create duplicate listings in Foursquare. If there’s an existing listing, we will claim it for you. Otherwise, we will create a new one for you.

Duplicate Facebook Places Analysis

Facebook allows people to share where they’ve been, where they’re headed and where they are now. This feature is an opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services within their local area. 

We will find duplicate Places for your business by searching for its name or locations where people made when they checked in. If we found duplicates, we will claim and merge the duplicates to keep your customers’ likes and check-ins in one place.

Duplicate Bing Local Analysis

Having your business added properly in Bing Business Portal is an important step in improving your local presence. Bing is one of the major search engines where you can have your business listed and verified.

We will find duplicate listings in Bing by searching for its name or locations and report it to Bing if we find any duplicates.

Competition Category Analysis

We conduct Competition Category Analysis to see how you're performing and to acquaint you with the existing competition for your category. We will then compare our analysis with that of other advertisers in your niche/category. With this data, we can make informed decisions on which types of optimization changes are suitable for your account.  This is important because "categories" in Google places are not selected from a drop down menu, they are typed in.  Therefore the options of what to enter as a category are limitless. 

Ranking Comparison Report - Google, Yahoo, Bing

This service triangulates search results gathered from leading search engines. We will analyze your business website's rankings based on their positions on these search engines in relation to your chosen search terms. The comparison is made by looking for your details on the three largest search engines today (Google, Yahoo!, and Bing). Local search results (Google Places, Yahoo! Local, and Bing Local) will also be part of the report and shown side by side of your organic rankings.

Current Directory Listing Analysis and Overview

We will be running a report to analyze your current Local Directory Standings:
What business directories is your business currently listed in?  What type of information is the directory submission site using? Is your listing using a description or photos? Does your listing currently contain any reviews or have a star rating?

Local Online Directories are the modern equivalent of the Yellow Pages. As more local consumers turn to the Internet to find information about local businesses, these directories are seeing a huge growth in users.  Directories can be a direct source of new customers but they can also boost your local SEO ranking. Therefore it's important that your business is listed on all these leading directories and that your business information on them is correct.

Business Address Consistency Check among Existing Directories

It's important for your Business Name, Address, and Phone Number to be recorded consistently across all the main search engines and local directories. Inaccurate information can be confusing for customers and more so for Google. Google likes to verify the information it holds about your business with other sources such as local online directories.

It is ideal that your Name, Address, and Phone Number are the same on each site. If there are any discrepancies, appropriate measures should be implemented.  Updating the inaccurate results by claiming your listing on those directories and correcting the erroneous information effectively resolves this issue.

Google Places Competition Profile Page Analysis

This process efficiently analyzes your performance on Google Places. Google Places is Google's local search service and contains listings of local businesses, organizations, and places. Google often shows Google Places results for search queries that contain a location (also known as a Geotag). It is also used in Google's local applications for mobile phones. Google Places is a very powerful local marketing tool and should be utilized by all local businesses.

This research compares your Google Places listing to your top 5 Google competitors. These competitors are the top ranked companies for your target search terms.  We will be analyzing your competitors quantity of photos, reviews, videos, star rating and other factors such as their categories, description, and verification status.

Local On Page Optimization Analysis

This section analyzes the On-Site SEO factors that affect your ability to rank high in search engines and specifically the Google Places/Maps. On-Site SEO factors comprise the fundamental elements on your website, either visible on the page (which you can readily see) or seen only in your website's code (which search engines scout for). It's easier to improve SEO factors on your own site because you have control over them. Listed below is a quick bullet list of some of the components we will be analyzing:

- Meta Tags and Page Titles
- Heading Tags
- Robots.txt
- Error Pages
- Keyword Visibility per Target Page
- Primary Location Visibility Check on Website
- Internal Site linking structure
- Sitemap 
- Contact Us Page Analysis
- Microformat Analysis

Google Places Compatibility Check

This section analyzes your performance in Google Places.  We will examine your website's categories, rank, verification status, number of reviews, and Google's star rating. We will also pay close attention to your current listing if it includes any type of coupon promotions. In doing so, we are able to quickly analyze the flaws in the current Google Local Listing. Should one exist, we will immediately determine if it matches your company name, phone number, and address.

Business Information
Business Information Intake

This form is provided to gather all the necessary information to facilitate the optimization process and should be filled out in full and returned so we may proceed with the optimization process.

Business Information Validation

It is very important that all company information on the Internet is consistent with your website. We will use the pieces of information on the form and verify them against the target website and any other directories we can find online. We do this to ensure that the information we are using is updated. This also guarantees that all information about your business on the Internet is consistent.

Business Address Verification (if applicable)

We check to make sure the address given for the business location matches a verified location in the USPS official database.  It is not confirmed but heavily believed that Google cross references the USPS official database to check the validity of the business location.  We will be able to tell if the address is residential or commercial. Note this is only for USA clients.

Email Account and Logo
Unique Email Account Creation for Local Listing Creations*

If an email account and its password are not provided once the campaign launches, we will create a unique email account for the Local Business Listing Creation process.

Turn Over of Email Account

We will be providing you with the email account and password upon delivering the monthly report.  Please note that we would like to be notified if the email account's password is changed while the campaign is still in progress so we may update our records accordingly.

Uploading of Logo for Linking into Local Listings

In order to upload a Logo to a Local Business Listing, the logo must first be hosted online and assigned a corresponding URL.

Primary Local Business Directories
Google Places - Creation and Optimization

Our Google Local services includes the creation, optimization and submission of a Google Local Business Listing. The listing must be claimed by receiving a PIN number.  This PIN number will be sent to you within 2 weeks of us making the request.  Once you receive the PIN number on the post card, you will need to email it to us so we can claim the listing for you.

Google Plus User Account Creation

If a Google Plus User account and its password are not provided once the campaign launches, we will create a Google Plus User account for you. This is required for us to create your Google Plus Business Page.

Google Plus Business Page Creation

Your Google Plus Business page is your brand’s home on Google. When your customers search on Google, the results may include relevant posts, photos, and videos from your Google+ page. Get found across Google, right when your customers are most interested. 

We will create and optimize this page for your company to have maximum exposure in Google Plus.  We will help you stand out from the competition by including compelling online content such as photos and logos.  We will also add your business hours, services, and other information.

Bing Local - Creation and Optimization

Our Bing Local services includes the creation, optimization and submission of the Bing Business Portal.  We will help you stand out from the competition by including compelling online content such as photos and logos.  We will also add your business hours, services, and other information. It typically takes two to three weeks for a Bing Local listing to be published.

Facebook Places - Creation and Optimization

We will set up a Facebook Places Page on your behalf. People can check into this Page when they're nearby. We will make sure that your Facebook page contains accurate information. We will add your company description, phone number, location, hours of operation, specialties, services, payment options, etc. Facebook Places requires phone verification.

Foursquare - Creation and Optimization

Claiming and verifying your listing in Foursquare is the first step to get discovered and be successful in Foursquare. Foursquare has millions of business listings, all submitted by customers who go to those places. 

We will find your business and make sure that the information for your claimed business is accurate. We will add your company description, phone number, hours of operation as well as links to your website and social media profiles – Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Verification of Foursquare will require a credit card payment of $1.

Additional Top Local Business Directories
Top Local Directory Account Creation and Optimization

While setting up your listings in Primary Local Business Directories, we will also submit your business information to top local directories such as Yelp, Judysbook, and Insiderpages. As more and more local consumers turn to the Internet to find information about local businesses, these citation directories are witnessing a huge growth in popularity. These citation directories can be a direct source of new customers, but they can also boost your local presence.

Top Niche or Geo Related Directory Account Creation and Optimization

We will conduct a research to find niche specific or geo related directories. Using this data we will be able to not only target the directories that is niche specific or geo targeted for better local presence, but we will be also able to find directories where your target market hangs out. Our ability to use specialized research and citation/directory tracking resources will give us a leg up on your competition. 

Basic Mobile Website Creation
Microsoft Mobile Website Creation

We will activate a mobile website for you as provided by Microsoft.  You mobile website will contain an image of your company, your company description, services, deals, click to call, driving directions, and your latest promotions.  The mobile website is basic in design and the design limitations are basically limited to color, image, and text.

Mobile Website Products and Services Setup

We will make sure to setup all of your top 10 products and services inside of the mobile website.  By default we will also be showing the pricing of the products/services if you also have the pricing visible on your website.

Microsoft Mobile Website QR Code

The mobile website comes with a scan able QR code.  Any Smartphone can "scan" this QR code by taking a picture of it and it then they will be directed to the mobile website.  A QR code can be useful when handing out print promotions because your clients can simply snap a photo of the QR code and go directly to your website and view your promotions.  Keep in mind your mobile website can also be updated with your latest promotions.

Image Creation, Optimization, and Publication
High Quality Image Sourcing

We will find compelling, high quality, relevant images to represent your brand. Finding the right image is crucial in  increasing your sales, market share and brand recognition.

Image Editing with Branding

Once we have the right image to represent your brand, we will edit the image to insert your logo. Today's buyers use their instincts and emotions to determine the worth of a product or service.  Visual impressions help a lot in conversions. Potential buyers make the subconscious decision of whether or not they want to do business within the first few seconds of exposure to your promotional materials.

Image Optimization and Publication

We will optimize the branded images without changing their look or visual quality. These images will load fast which increases the likelihood of being exposed to consumers in the world wide web.  Images will have the ability to index in the search engines when your clients type in relevant keywords describing your business.  Images are often times part of the first page search engines results.

Image Geotagging and Backlink Generation

After uploading your branded images online, we will write optimized descriptions and insert BB Codes to generate backlinks pointing to your website. We will also geotag these images to help improve your local presence and pin point the images location on a map.

Image Uploading/Publishing in Primary 4 Local Business Directories

Branded images will be also uploaded to the primary 4 local business directories in a form of an update.  This will help in increasing brand awareness which could later lead to sales and conversions.

Review and Promotion Creation
Review Competition Marketing Analysis

Brands need to be aware of the influence that online reviews have, both positive and negative. Most internet buyers are skeptical of online businesses and most of them visit review sites before purchasing products.

To help increase your sales and conversions, we will conduct research to gather more data about your market competition. 

We will try to find the following:

1. Your competitor's products and services.
2.  Where your competitors are promoting their products and services.
3. Where your competitors are receiving positive reviews.

Top 2
Top 4
Top 6
Top 8
Top 10
Review Writing

Reviews can help your business gain credibility in the marketplace. We will write positive reviews for your products and services to help you build the credibility that you deserve.  The reviews that we will be writing will be  keyword optimized and will be distributed to a diverse list of review websites.

Promotion Copy Writing

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will write compelling messages for the promotion to push your products and build your brand. The goal of this is to make your brand the first brand that comes to mind when a customer is asked an unprompted question about a business category.

Promotion Banner/Image Design

Aside from creating branded images, we will design a promotional banner with a custom deal or promotion that you want for that month. We will publish them in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories in a form of  a company update.

Promotion Coupon Creation with Bar Code

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month. Once we have that information, we will create high-quality printable coupons. These coupons can be published in your website and in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories  for viral distribution. This will create a buzz in your local area and significantly increase your local presence. 

Note: If you're using a barcode system, you can give us the barcode details for your coupon.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We will provide a dedicated IP for each campaign for use when accessing your accounts. 

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Month 2 & Ongoing Monthly
Custom (Citation) Building
Directory Research

We will conduct research to find all the directories your competition has listings in, and use other variables to research additional directories you should be listed in, but currently are not.  Using this data we will be able to not only target the directories that really matter, but we will also be able to track the number of active directories you are listed in vs. the average number of directories your competitors are listed in.  Our ability to use specialized research and citation/directory tracking resources will give us a leg up on your competition. 

The purpose of this analysis is to gauge where your competition is. In doing so, we can better tailor a unique citation building campaign in line with your Local Listing Optimization Campaign and overall SEO efforts. 

Specialized Directory Creation

Collectively, Local Online Citation Directories are the modern equivalent of the Yellow Pages. As more and more local consumers turn to the Internet to find information about local businesses, these citation directories are witnessing a huge growth in popularity. These citation directories can be a direct source of new customers, but they can also boost your local places rankings. 

The directories we decide to built new listings in will be determined by the "Directory Research" as described in the above line item.  Another way to gain prominence on these citation directories is to enhance your listing with more detail about your business. 

We will create directory listings using (but not limited to) the below example information.  

*Company Name                                 
*Local Phone Number                     
*Email Address
*Products and Brands

Recommended Paid Directories Report

In addition to free directories that we're submitting your business to be listed in, we will find other paid directories where your competition is also listed. We will gather information such as the cost and other important information to help you succeed in the paid listing. By doing this, you can see where your competition is investing for their local presence. This will also help you weigh your options if you have to target paid citations  like your competition to boost the performance of your campaign.  Paid listing must be evaluated by you to determine if you are willing to pay the additional cost to be in the particular directory.

Review and Promotion Creation
Review Competition Marketing Analysis

Brands need to be aware of the influence that online reviews have, both positive and negative. Most internet buyers are skeptical of online businesses that most of them visit review sites before purchasing products.

To help increase your sales and conversions, we will conduct a research to gather more data about your market competition. 

We will try to find the following:

1. Your competitor's products and services.
2.  Where your competitors are promoting their products and services.
3. Where your competitors are receiving positive reviews.

Top 2
Top 4
Top 6
Top 8
Top 10
Review Writing

Reviews can help your business gain credibility in the marketplace. We will write positive reviews for your products and services to help you build the credibility that you need.  The reviews that we will be writing will be  keyword optimized and will be distributed to a diverse list of review websites.

Promotion Copy Writing

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will write compelling messages for the promotion to push your products and build your brand. The goal of this is to make your brand the first brand that comes to mind when a customer is asked an unprompted question about a business category.

Promotion Banner/Image Design

Aside from creating branded images, we will design a promotional banner with a custom deal or promotion that you want for that month. We will publish them in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories in a form of  a company update.

Promotion Coupon Creation with Bar Code

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month. Once we have that information, we will create high-quality printable coupons. These coupons can be published in your website and in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories  for viral distribution. This will create a buzz in your local area and significantly increase your local presence. 

Note: If you're using a barcode system, you can give us the barcode details for your coupon.

Review Publication
Review Publication

Upon being furnish with reviews you have collected, we will publish each of them to one of the top review publication websites.

Local Mobile "Check In" Visibility
Facebook Places Check In Promotion Publication

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  Check-in Deals are based on people's Facebook check-ins when they visit your business. You can run check-in deals across multiple store locations, and create different types of deals to achieve different business objectives.

There are four types of check-in deals you can create.:

1. Individual Deal: You can offer this type of deal to both new and existing customers. You may create Individual Deals when you want to launch a new product, get rid of excess inventory, offer seasonal incentives, or simply get more people into your store. 

2. Friend Deal: Friend Deals allow you to offer discounts to groups of up to 8 people, when they check in together. Friend Deals are a great way to build even more exposure for your business because more stories are generated when multiple people check-in.

3. Loyalty Deal: To focus on rewarding your most loyal customers, create a Loyalty Deal. These deals may be claimed by customers only after a certain number of check-ins. Depending on your business, the number of check-ins may vary. Please note that you must create a deal that is redeemable after no fewer than two and no more than 20 check-ins.

4. Charity Deal: Create a Charity Deal to make a donation to the charity of your choice. This is a great way for your business to give back to the community while adding a human touch to your business.

Google Places Check In Promotion Publication

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will set up your offer in Google places for Check-in Deals.  Offers should provide a monetary discount or an additional good or service not normally included. The offer should also pass Google’s guidelines in this page:

What is a check-in?

A check-in is a way that a customer can chose to note that they are at a specific place. Some people share check-ins to tell friends about businesses that they visit. Some people check-in privately (instead of sharing this information with friends) so they can track businesses they have visited.

Foursquare Check In Promotion Publication

People who have checked in or look at your business page will see your updates on their phone – there's no need for customers to subscribe.
Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will publish promotions or ‘specials’ that can  attract new customers or reward loyal ones by giving them an added incentive to visit your business. 

You can offer anything from a free cup of coffee for a first visit, or a 10% discount for a fifth visit. And it doesn’t have to be monetary – for example some businesses offer an express checkout line for people who check in.

Promotion and Event Social Updates
Google Places Offers Creation/Update

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month. These offers will be set up once you've verified your Google Places listing. Offers can be in a form of percent off, money off, or free item with purchase. We will adjust and update these offers every month depending on what you wrote in our intake form.

Google Plus Business Page Promotion Update

Promotions in your Google Places will be published in your Google Plus Business Page and in other Primary Business Directories as a company update. This will create a 'buzz' in the local scene and can be potentially distributed virally to your target market.

Facebook Page Promotional Like Gateway Creation

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We can design a campaign where your potential customers can only gain access to the promotion if he/she likes your Facebook Places page. This is called "Like-Gateway" and is a very intelligent way to build more like to your facebook page.  When other people like your page all of their friends will be updated to know about their "like".

Facebook Places Promotion Publication

Promotions in Facebook will be published in Facebook and in other Primary Business Directories as a company update. This will create a 'buzz' in the local scene and can be potentially distributed virally to your target market.

Bing Local Deals Creation

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  You can attract customers with hard to resist deals, and keep them coming back with a punch-card loyalty program.  We can create these deals based on the information you've provided in the intake form.

Bing Mobile Deals Publication

Promotions in Bing Local will be published in Bing Business Portal and in other Primary Business Directories as a company update. This will create a 'buzz' in the local scene and can be potentially distributed virally to your target market.

Foursquare Promotion Update

Foursquare allows you to engage and reward customers. We will post updates, listing events or offers to entice people to stop by your business. People who have checked in or look at your business page will see your updates on their phone – there's no need for customers to subscribe. 

Updates can be anything, like news about an upcoming event or a special offer you're promoting. You can create updates anytime, or re-use existing content or signage, to reach people nearby.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We will provide a dedicated IP for each campaign for use when accessing your accounts. 

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Recommended Minimum Duration

The minimum recommended duration for any local marketing campaign is 6 months.  Ideally local campaigns run forever.  Local marketing is a long term marketing strategy that should be factored into a company's monthly overhead.  What is contained within this proposal does not cover 100% of ranking and traffic factors.  We recommend you to run this marketing campaign for a minimum of six months.

Duplicate Google Places Analysis

Duplicated listings for a single business can be problematic when they appear in Google search results or in a business owner's Google Places account. There should only be one listing per business location, both in the Google Places account and in search results. We will develop the best solution should your business appear more than once in your account or in search results. We will present the proposed changes before implementing any modifications.

Duplicate Foursquare Analysis

Foursquare is one of many secondary local search engines where you will need to list/claim and verify your business. Listing and claiming your business properly with Foursquare is an essential step to improving your local presence. 

One can’t create duplicate listings in Foursquare. If there’s an existing listing, we will claim it for you. Otherwise, we will create a new one for you.

Duplicate Facebook Places Analysis

Facebook allows people to share where they’ve been, where they’re headed and where they are now. This feature is an opportunity for businesses to promote their products and services within their local area. 

We will find duplicate Places for your business by searching for its name or locations where people made when they checked in. If we found duplicates, we will claim and merge the duplicates to keep your customers’ likes and check-ins in one place.

Duplicate Bing Local Analysis

Having your business added properly in Bing Business Portal is an important step in improving your local presence. Bing is one of the major search engines where you can have your business listed and verified.

We will find duplicate listings in Bing by searching for its name or locations and report it to Bing if we find any duplicates.

Competition Category Analysis

We conduct Competition Category Analysis to see how you're performing and to acquaint you with the existing competition for your category. We will then compare our analysis with that of other advertisers in your niche/category. With this data, we can make informed decisions on which types of optimization changes are suitable for your account.  This is important because "categories" in Google places are not selected from a drop down menu, they are typed in.  Therefore the options of what to enter as a category are limitless. 

Ranking Comparison Report - Google, Yahoo, Bing

This service triangulates search results gathered from leading search engines. We will analyze your business website's rankings based on their positions on these search engines in relation to your chosen search terms. The comparison is made by looking for your details on the three largest search engines today (Google, Yahoo!, and Bing). Local search results (Google Places, Yahoo! Local, and Bing Local) will also be part of the report and shown side by side of your organic rankings.

Current Directory Listing Analysis and Overview

We will be running a report to analyze your current Local Directory Standings:
What business directories is your business currently listed in?  What type of information is the directory submission site using? Is your listing using a description or photos? Does your listing currently contain any reviews or have a star rating?

Local Online Directories are the modern equivalent of the Yellow Pages. As more local consumers turn to the Internet to find information about local businesses, these directories are seeing a huge growth in users.  Directories can be a direct source of new customers but they can also boost your local SEO ranking. Therefore it's important that your business is listed on all these leading directories and that your business information on them is correct.

Business Address Consistency Check among Existing Directories

It's important for your Business Name, Address, and Phone Number to be recorded consistently across all the main search engines and local directories. Inaccurate information can be confusing for customers and more so for Google. Google likes to verify the information it holds about your business with other sources such as local online directories.

It is ideal that your Name, Address, and Phone Number are the same on each site. If there are any discrepancies, appropriate measures should be implemented.  Updating the inaccurate results by claiming your listing on those directories and correcting the erroneous information effectively resolves this issue.

Google Places Competition Profile Page Analysis

This process efficiently analyzes your performance on Google Places. Google Places is Google's local search service and contains listings of local businesses, organizations, and places. Google often shows Google Places results for search queries that contain a location (also known as a Geotag). It is also used in Google's local applications for mobile phones. Google Places is a very powerful local marketing tool and should be utilized by all local businesses.

This research compares your Google Places listing to your top 5 Google competitors. These competitors are the top ranked companies for your target search terms.  We will be analyzing your competitors quantity of photos, reviews, videos, star rating and other factors such as their categories, description, and verification status.

Local On Page Optimization Analysis

This section analyzes the On-Site SEO factors that affect your ability to rank high in search engines and specifically the Google Places/Maps. On-Site SEO factors comprise the fundamental elements on your website, either visible on the page (which you can readily see) or seen only in your website's code (which search engines scout for). It's easier to improve SEO factors on your own site because you have control over them. Listed below is a quick bullet list of some of the components we will be analyzing:

- Meta Tags and Page Titles
- Heading Tags
- Robots.txt
- Error Pages
- Keyword Visibility per Target Page
- Primary Location Visibility Check on Website
- Internal Site linking structure
- Sitemap 
- Contact Us Page Analysis
- Microformat Analysis

Google Places Compatibility Check

This section analyzes your performance in Google Places.  We will examine your website's categories, rank, verification status, number of reviews, and Google's star rating. We will also pay close attention to your current listing if it includes any type of coupon promotions. In doing so, we are able to quickly analyze the flaws in the current Google Local Listing. Should one exist, we will immediately determine if it matches your company name, phone number, and address.

Business Information Intake

This form is provided to gather all the necessary information to facilitate the optimization process and should be filled out in full and returned so we may proceed with the optimization process.

Business Information Validation

It is very important that all company information on the Internet is consistent with your website. We will use the pieces of information on the form and verify them against the target website and any other directories we can find online. We do this to ensure that the information we are using is updated. This also guarantees that all information about your business on the Internet is consistent.

Business Address Verification (if applicable)

We check to make sure the address given for the business location matches a verified location in the USPS official database.  It is not confirmed but heavily believed that Google cross references the USPS official database to check the validity of the business location.  We will be able to tell if the address is residential or commercial. Note this is only for USA clients.

Unique Email Account Creation for Local Listing Creations*

If an email account and its password are not provided once the campaign launches, we will create a unique email account for the Local Business Listing Creation process.

Turn Over of Email Account

We will be providing you with the email account and password upon delivering the monthly report.  Please note that we would like to be notified if the email account's password is changed while the campaign is still in progress so we may update our records accordingly.

Uploading of Logo for Linking into Local Listings

In order to upload a Logo to a Local Business Listing, the logo must first be hosted online and assigned a corresponding URL.

Google Places - Creation and Optimization

Our Google Local services includes the creation, optimization and submission of a Google Local Business Listing. The listing must be claimed by receiving a PIN number.  This PIN number will be sent to you within 2 weeks of us making the request.  Once you receive the PIN number on the post card, you will need to email it to us so we can claim the listing for you.

Google Plus User Account Creation

If a Google Plus User account and its password are not provided once the campaign launches, we will create a Google Plus User account for you. This is required for us to create your Google Plus Business Page.

Google Plus Business Page Creation

Your Google Plus Business page is your brand’s home on Google. When your customers search on Google, the results may include relevant posts, photos, and videos from your Google+ page. Get found across Google, right when your customers are most interested. 

We will create and optimize this page for your company to have maximum exposure in Google Plus.  We will help you stand out from the competition by including compelling online content such as photos and logos.  We will also add your business hours, services, and other information.

Bing Local - Creation and Optimization

Our Bing Local services includes the creation, optimization and submission of the Bing Business Portal.  We will help you stand out from the competition by including compelling online content such as photos and logos.  We will also add your business hours, services, and other information. It typically takes two to three weeks for a Bing Local listing to be published.

Facebook Places - Creation and Optimization

We will set up a Facebook Places Page on your behalf. People can check into this Page when they're nearby. We will make sure that your Facebook page contains accurate information. We will add your company description, phone number, location, hours of operation, specialties, services, payment options, etc. Facebook Places requires phone verification.

Foursquare - Creation and Optimization

Claiming and verifying your listing in Foursquare is the first step to get discovered and be successful in Foursquare. Foursquare has millions of business listings, all submitted by customers who go to those places. 

We will find your business and make sure that the information for your claimed business is accurate. We will add your company description, phone number, hours of operation as well as links to your website and social media profiles – Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Verification of Foursquare will require a credit card payment of $1.

Top Local Directory Account Creation and Optimization

While setting up your listings in Primary Local Business Directories, we will also submit your business information to top local directories such as Yelp, Judysbook, and Insiderpages. As more and more local consumers turn to the Internet to find information about local businesses, these citation directories are witnessing a huge growth in popularity. These citation directories can be a direct source of new customers, but they can also boost your local presence.

Top Niche or Geo Related Directory Account Creation and Optimization

We will conduct a research to find niche specific or geo related directories. Using this data we will be able to not only target the directories that is niche specific or geo targeted for better local presence, but we will be also able to find directories where your target market hangs out. Our ability to use specialized research and citation/directory tracking resources will give us a leg up on your competition. 

Microsoft Mobile Website Creation

We will activate a mobile website for you as provided by Microsoft.  You mobile website will contain an image of your company, your company description, services, deals, click to call, driving directions, and your latest promotions.  The mobile website is basic in design and the design limitations are basically limited to color, image, and text.

Mobile Website Products and Services Setup

We will make sure to setup all of your top 10 products and services inside of the mobile website.  By default we will also be showing the pricing of the products/services if you also have the pricing visible on your website.

Microsoft Mobile Website QR Code

The mobile website comes with a scan able QR code.  Any Smartphone can "scan" this QR code by taking a picture of it and it then they will be directed to the mobile website.  A QR code can be useful when handing out print promotions because your clients can simply snap a photo of the QR code and go directly to your website and view your promotions.  Keep in mind your mobile website can also be updated with your latest promotions.

High Quality Image Sourcing

We will find compelling, high quality, relevant images to represent your brand. Finding the right image is crucial in  increasing your sales, market share and brand recognition.

Image Editing with Branding

Once we have the right image to represent your brand, we will edit the image to insert your logo. Today's buyers use their instincts and emotions to determine the worth of a product or service.  Visual impressions help a lot in conversions. Potential buyers make the subconscious decision of whether or not they want to do business within the first few seconds of exposure to your promotional materials.

Image Optimization and Publication

We will optimize the branded images without changing their look or visual quality. These images will load fast which increases the likelihood of being exposed to consumers in the world wide web.  Images will have the ability to index in the search engines when your clients type in relevant keywords describing your business.  Images are often times part of the first page search engines results.

Image Geotagging and Backlink Generation

After uploading your branded images online, we will write optimized descriptions and insert BB Codes to generate backlinks pointing to your website. We will also geotag these images to help improve your local presence and pin point the images location on a map.

Image Uploading/Publishing in Primary 4 Local Business Directories

Branded images will be also uploaded to the primary 4 local business directories in a form of an update.  This will help in increasing brand awareness which could later lead to sales and conversions.

Review Competition Marketing Analysis

Brands need to be aware of the influence that online reviews have, both positive and negative. Most internet buyers are skeptical of online businesses and most of them visit review sites before purchasing products.

To help increase your sales and conversions, we will conduct research to gather more data about your market competition. 

We will try to find the following:

1. Your competitor's products and services.
2.  Where your competitors are promoting their products and services.
3. Where your competitors are receiving positive reviews.

Review Writing

Reviews can help your business gain credibility in the marketplace. We will write positive reviews for your products and services to help you build the credibility that you deserve.  The reviews that we will be writing will be  keyword optimized and will be distributed to a diverse list of review websites.

Promotion Copy Writing

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will write compelling messages for the promotion to push your products and build your brand. The goal of this is to make your brand the first brand that comes to mind when a customer is asked an unprompted question about a business category.

Promotion Banner/Image Design

Aside from creating branded images, we will design a promotional banner with a custom deal or promotion that you want for that month. We will publish them in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories in a form of  a company update.

Promotion Coupon Creation with Bar Code

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month. Once we have that information, we will create high-quality printable coupons. These coupons can be published in your website and in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories  for viral distribution. This will create a buzz in your local area and significantly increase your local presence. 

Note: If you're using a barcode system, you can give us the barcode details for your coupon.

Dedicated IP Services

We will provide a dedicated IP for each campaign for use when accessing your accounts. 

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Directory Research

We will conduct research to find all the directories your competition has listings in, and use other variables to research additional directories you should be listed in, but currently are not.  Using this data we will be able to not only target the directories that really matter, but we will also be able to track the number of active directories you are listed in vs. the average number of directories your competitors are listed in.  Our ability to use specialized research and citation/directory tracking resources will give us a leg up on your competition. 

The purpose of this analysis is to gauge where your competition is. In doing so, we can better tailor a unique citation building campaign in line with your Local Listing Optimization Campaign and overall SEO efforts. 

Specialized Directory Creation

Collectively, Local Online Citation Directories are the modern equivalent of the Yellow Pages. As more and more local consumers turn to the Internet to find information about local businesses, these citation directories are witnessing a huge growth in popularity. These citation directories can be a direct source of new customers, but they can also boost your local places rankings. 

The directories we decide to built new listings in will be determined by the "Directory Research" as described in the above line item.  Another way to gain prominence on these citation directories is to enhance your listing with more detail about your business. 

We will create directory listings using (but not limited to) the below example information.  

*Company Name                                 
*Local Phone Number                     
*Email Address
*Products and Brands

Recommended Paid Directories Report

In addition to free directories that we're submitting your business to be listed in, we will find other paid directories where your competition is also listed. We will gather information such as the cost and other important information to help you succeed in the paid listing. By doing this, you can see where your competition is investing for their local presence. This will also help you weigh your options if you have to target paid citations  like your competition to boost the performance of your campaign.  Paid listing must be evaluated by you to determine if you are willing to pay the additional cost to be in the particular directory.

Review Competition Marketing Analysis

Brands need to be aware of the influence that online reviews have, both positive and negative. Most internet buyers are skeptical of online businesses that most of them visit review sites before purchasing products.

To help increase your sales and conversions, we will conduct a research to gather more data about your market competition. 

We will try to find the following:

1. Your competitor's products and services.
2.  Where your competitors are promoting their products and services.
3. Where your competitors are receiving positive reviews.

Review Writing

Reviews can help your business gain credibility in the marketplace. We will write positive reviews for your products and services to help you build the credibility that you need.  The reviews that we will be writing will be  keyword optimized and will be distributed to a diverse list of review websites.

Promotion Copy Writing

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will write compelling messages for the promotion to push your products and build your brand. The goal of this is to make your brand the first brand that comes to mind when a customer is asked an unprompted question about a business category.

Promotion Banner/Image Design

Aside from creating branded images, we will design a promotional banner with a custom deal or promotion that you want for that month. We will publish them in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories in a form of  a company update.

Promotion Coupon Creation with Bar Code

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month. Once we have that information, we will create high-quality printable coupons. These coupons can be published in your website and in your Primary 4 Local Business Directories  for viral distribution. This will create a buzz in your local area and significantly increase your local presence. 

Note: If you're using a barcode system, you can give us the barcode details for your coupon.

Review Publication

Upon being furnish with reviews you have collected, we will publish each of them to one of the top review publication websites.

Facebook Places Check In Promotion Publication

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  Check-in Deals are based on people's Facebook check-ins when they visit your business. You can run check-in deals across multiple store locations, and create different types of deals to achieve different business objectives.

There are four types of check-in deals you can create.:

1. Individual Deal: You can offer this type of deal to both new and existing customers. You may create Individual Deals when you want to launch a new product, get rid of excess inventory, offer seasonal incentives, or simply get more people into your store. 

2. Friend Deal: Friend Deals allow you to offer discounts to groups of up to 8 people, when they check in together. Friend Deals are a great way to build even more exposure for your business because more stories are generated when multiple people check-in.

3. Loyalty Deal: To focus on rewarding your most loyal customers, create a Loyalty Deal. These deals may be claimed by customers only after a certain number of check-ins. Depending on your business, the number of check-ins may vary. Please note that you must create a deal that is redeemable after no fewer than two and no more than 20 check-ins.

4. Charity Deal: Create a Charity Deal to make a donation to the charity of your choice. This is a great way for your business to give back to the community while adding a human touch to your business.

Google Places Check In Promotion Publication

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will set up your offer in Google places for Check-in Deals.  Offers should provide a monetary discount or an additional good or service not normally included. The offer should also pass Google’s guidelines in this page:

What is a check-in?

A check-in is a way that a customer can chose to note that they are at a specific place. Some people share check-ins to tell friends about businesses that they visit. Some people check-in privately (instead of sharing this information with friends) so they can track businesses they have visited.

Foursquare Check In Promotion Publication

People who have checked in or look at your business page will see your updates on their phone – there's no need for customers to subscribe.
Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We will publish promotions or ‘specials’ that can  attract new customers or reward loyal ones by giving them an added incentive to visit your business. 

You can offer anything from a free cup of coffee for a first visit, or a 10% discount for a fifth visit. And it doesn’t have to be monetary – for example some businesses offer an express checkout line for people who check in.

Google Places Offers Creation/Update

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month. These offers will be set up once you've verified your Google Places listing. Offers can be in a form of percent off, money off, or free item with purchase. We will adjust and update these offers every month depending on what you wrote in our intake form.

Google Plus Business Page Promotion Update

Promotions in your Google Places will be published in your Google Plus Business Page and in other Primary Business Directories as a company update. This will create a 'buzz' in the local scene and can be potentially distributed virally to your target market.

Facebook Page Promotional Like Gateway Creation

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  We can design a campaign where your potential customers can only gain access to the promotion if he/she likes your Facebook Places page. This is called "Like-Gateway" and is a very intelligent way to build more like to your facebook page.  When other people like your page all of their friends will be updated to know about their "like".

Facebook Places Promotion Publication

Promotions in Facebook will be published in Facebook and in other Primary Business Directories as a company update. This will create a 'buzz' in the local scene and can be potentially distributed virally to your target market.

Bing Local Deals Creation

Before your campaign starts, we will ask you about what promotions you can run for each month.  You can attract customers with hard to resist deals, and keep them coming back with a punch-card loyalty program.  We can create these deals based on the information you've provided in the intake form.

Bing Mobile Deals Publication

Promotions in Bing Local will be published in Bing Business Portal and in other Primary Business Directories as a company update. This will create a 'buzz' in the local scene and can be potentially distributed virally to your target market.

Foursquare Promotion Update

Foursquare allows you to engage and reward customers. We will post updates, listing events or offers to entice people to stop by your business. People who have checked in or look at your business page will see your updates on their phone – there's no need for customers to subscribe. 

Updates can be anything, like news about an upcoming event or a special offer you're promoting. You can create updates anytime, or re-use existing content or signage, to reach people nearby.

Dedicated IP Services

We will provide a dedicated IP for each campaign for use when accessing your accounts. 

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

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