SEO Services > NEW Advanced SEO Packages


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NEW Advanced SEO

Here are our NEW Advanced SEO Packages designed to help your business succeed further.

Hover over the question marks to get a quick description. You may also download this as a PDF with or without the extensive descriptions at the bottom part of this document.

In addition, you may view or download our primer on the marketing benefits of SEO for your business.


Package Name
SEO Advanced
SEO Advanced
SEO Advanced
SEO Advanced
SEO Advanced
SEO Advanced
Recommended Minimum Duration

The minimum recommended duration for any SEO marketing campaign is 12 months.  Ideally SEO campaigns run forever.  SEO marketing is a long term marketing strategy that should be factored into a company's monthly overhead.  The minimum duration is stated to give a milestone as to when you should be able to see satisfactory to ideal ranking and traffic results.  Keep in mind there are many other factors that determine ranking and traffic outcome as a result of a SEO marketing campaign. What is contained within this proposal does not cover 100% of ranking and traffic factors.  We recommend you to run this marketing campaign for a minimum of one year, with a thorough check-in analysis every 6 months.

12 Months
12 Months
12 Months
12 Months
12 Months
12 Months
Total Number of Keywords
Number of Primary Keywords

Primary keywords are the keywords we consider to be the highest priority.  Typical marketing campaigns have "keyword groups".  Each primary keyword should have 2 related secondary keywords.  Within one keyword group, the primary keyword would be the most competitive and the two related "secondary keywords" would be less competitive.  We recommend keyword grouping in this manner to help structure our content siloing.

Number of Secondary Keywords

Secondary keywords are related to a specific primary keyword.  Each primary keyword will have two related secondary keywords, which are less competitive.  Target keywords are grouped together and each keyword in a keyword group has a different competition level. Typically one keyword will stand out with the most competition.  The main benefit in grouping keywords together in the manner of 1 primary to 2 secondary, is the ability to put more effort and energy into the primary keywords.  One primary keyword could have MUCH more value and traffic than a secondary keyword and therefore it is of extreme importance for us to classify and group the target keywords accordingly.

Month 1 Services
Keywords and On-Page SEO Research & Analysis
Manual and Software Driven Keyword Research

Manual Keyword Mining

Before launching a marketing campaign we need to know what keywords to target.  A “keyword” is what we refer to as the word or phrased typed into a search engine to return search results.  Utilizing software and several man hours of filtering through the Google data, we return a full keyword report.  The report not only shows keyword traffic, but also competition analysis and where the website is currently ranking in Google, Yahoo, and Bing for that particular keyword. The keywords chosen determine the direction of the entire marketing campaign, thus the extreme importance we place on keyword research.  

Keyword Ranking Report

Keyword Rankings, or where your site is ranked in search engines for keywords, has a major impact on your Web traffic, lead generation and conversions. Research shows more than 75% of all search engine users click on a result on the first page; so the higher you rank in the search engine results pages, the better your chances are of gaining more traffic. 

Using specialized software, the rankings of the target keywords for the website will be generated and tabulated.  The results will be used as a reference point for the initial rankings of the keywords before the marketing campaign is commenced. 

Keyword Competition Analysis

We will be analyzing the competition involved in the target keywords to check the feasibility of making them rank on the first page of Google within a certain span of time, and to determine the appropriate workload for each keyword.  Of course, the lower the competition, the easier it will be for the keyword to rank.

Keyword Grouping

This is where we group the target keywords that have been agreed upon into sets of 1-3 keywords which will then be designated to target pages during the URL Mapping stage.  Keywords of a given campaign are grouped based on, but not limited to, similar keywords, related terms,  and geo-target.

URL Architecting

By organizing the URLs, it will also helps organize the entire website. By having a proper URL structure, it will help users to easily determine what page they are on by just looking at the URL alone. Most websites do not have a proper url structure and simple put all pages as a direct extension off the homepage.  

Lets look at an example of a pesticide company that has 5 different services.

Wrong URL structure:

Correct URL structure:

The search engines can only interpret a website as well as it is built.  Having properly structured URLs is essential to ensure maximum rankability of your website.

URL Mapping

If an SEO campaign has 30 keywords, they will not all go on the same page.  We usually target 1 keyword on each page, with unique exceptions to the homepage.  The process of determining which page should contain certain keywords is URL mapping.

Factors such as theme relevance and page rankings will come into play when URL mapping is performed.  Among the target pages that are prioritized are those that are convertible and/or will catch a user's attention, engaging them and encouraging them to interact and browse through the site.  The homepage, which is the most highly evaluated page among all the others, is always targeted.  If a page with a matching theme does not exist for certain keywords, then a new page with fresh content will have to be created.

Target URLs

The Target URLs are determined during keyword URL mapping.  These URLs are simply the pages we are primarily targeting with our On Page and Off Page optimizations.  When we track the keyword rankings, these are the pages you should see rankings respective to the keywords targeted on each page.

Google Webmaster Error Checking & Reporting

Google Webmaster Error Checking

This involves checking the website for crawl errors, malware and other problems using the diagnostic tool found in Google Webmaster.

Google Webmaster Error Report

If we find a crawl error on the site, we will be forwarding it to you along with any solutions we have for fixing it.

The reported URLs typically need to be redirected to either the homepage or their new counterpart URLs. Alternatively, they can be blocked using the robots.txt file and reported to Google for removal.  The first redirect option is preferred and has more benefits in terms of SEO.

Manual Site Crawlability and Hidden Links Check

In order to better inspect your website we need to look at it as if we were a search engine bot.  We use a special tool to be able to view your website through the eyes of a search engine bot or spider.  When using this tool we are able to identify further issues with your website that could impact your site crawlability.  Additionally, we use this tool to inspect for hidden links and malicious code.  This is a time intensive process but necessary for those who want only the best inspection under the hood of their website.

3 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
18 Pages
24 Pages
30 Pages
Account Setups
Business Directory and P.R. Setup
Top 10 Business Directories Setup

We will setup and optimize the top 10 business directories for you.  Online business directories have taken over the stereotypical "Yellow Pages" and it is a must for all business owners to at least have a presence in the top 10 business directories online.  We will create your business directory accounts and make sure they are filled out and well optimized.  

The top 10 business directories we will setup include but are not limited to:

Bing Local
Yahoo Local
MapQuest Local
Yellow Pages
Super Pages
BBB Online
Best of the Web
Hot Frog
Mojo Pages
Insider Pages

Note:  These directories will vary based on your country and also the current priority status for the respective directory.

5 Press Release Accounts Setup

When we write press releases we need a way to publish the press release to the world.  Although we do this through your social channels, we also want to be able to get the press release published on official press release websites.  The benefit of publishing the press release on an official press release website is the exposure.  Searchers can go on the press release websites, find your press release, share it with their friend, like it with facebook, +1 it with Google plus, and even link to it in other conversations.  

We will be creating your accounts in the top 5 free press release publication sites during the first month of the marketing campaign.   

The list of press release sites we will setup include but are not limited to :

PR Web
All Voices
Pro Skore
Press Network
News Releaser

Social and Off-site Blog Setup
Google + Account Creation - Authorship Account

If you do not have a Google + account setup, we will create an account for you.  The Google + account we would setup (or be given from you) will need to have a user that we can use an the "Author" for blog articles.  For instance, if you has a Google + account that you want us to use but you do not want to be visible on your blog or in the search engines as an Author, then you should give us a different account that you would be ok with us using as an author.  Some companies choose to create a "dummy" user as their author so they can use it universally and also so that their content is not marked as "authored" by an employee that could leave the company.  

What else do we use a Google + account for?  The Google + access is the same access as Gmail, so make sure that if you hand us over a Google + account to manage that you are ok with us having the Gmail access because it is the same thing.  If you are not ok with us having Gmail access then please make sure to provide a different account or allow us to create one for you.  We will use the same Google + access to also setup the blogger, YouTube and other related Google accounts.

Google + Business Page Setup

The Google + business page will be setup as a page off of your Google + account.  The business page is like having your own mini business website on your Google +.  Business pages are important for social networking, SEO, claiming publisher ownership over your website content, and it allows your clients/customers to "Check In" using their Google latitude phone app.  We will complete the business page for you and make sure it is optimized and updated with the content we create on a monthly basis.

Top 10 Social Media Accounts Setup

We will setup your top 10 social media accounts for you.  For SEO, reputation management, and raw traffic generation value, it is important for you to have setup and maintain your top 10 social media accounts.  Social media accounts help to establish your brand, and it will help us to associate your brand to your website.  You social media accounts will also be used for content publication, generating back links, and attracting more visitors to your website. 

The social media account generated could include but are not limited to:

Google Plus

Top 10 Social Sharing Accounts Setup

We will setup your top 10 social sharing accounts for you.  Social sharing websites are specifically created for sharing content and making your sharing decisions publicly available.   Your social sharing accounts will help us to build back links to your website and they will help us to tell the world about the new content we will be generating for you on a monthly basis. 

The Social Sharing Accounts established could include but are not limited to:

Google Bookmarks

Advanced Off-Site Blog Setup
Top 5 Off-Site Blog Accounts Setup

Off-Site blogs are extremely important in today's online marketing world.  Of course having great written content on your website is the highest priority, but having multiple blogs with a significant amount of authority can really boost your rankings.  One of the best things about having your own off-site blogs is the ability to have full control.  When we setup the blogs we will have the ability to control comments, and what is published.  

The off-site blog will be used to publish content, establish brand, and build back links. 

The list of off-site blogs we setup include but are not limited to :


Blog Design Setup (from default options)

To give your off-site blog that added wow factor, we will be using the blog's default design options to further enhance your blog.  We will match the blog to your website theme the best we can using the default options inside the blog platform.  Note: these design options are limited so do not expect an exact match to your website.

3 Blogs
3 Blogs
3 Blogs
3 Blogs
3 Blogs
3 Blogs
Google + Authorship Setup

When a Google + account is created, you have to sign up as a user which requires a first name and a last name.  The Google + account is attached to a particular user, just like a facebook account is.  Google has the ability to track "Authorship" of what you write anywhere on the "public" online world as long as you use a certain "tag" on the page to tell Google who the author is.  This "Authorship" tag can be generated through your Google + account.  

When we setup your Google + account *(or you give us access to one) we let you know that we will be using it to claim authorship of the content we write and publish.  Sometimes you cannot claim authorship of content (depends on where we publish the content), however the majority of the time we will try to claim authorship of the content published on and off of your website whenever possible.  When content is associated with your Google + account through an authorship tag it gives that Google + user credit for creating the content.

Being able to claim authorship of content helps with duplicate content issues, and improves the readers trust.  When enough quality content is published by an author it establishes more credibility in the eye's of Google.  If we can establish a high level of credibility as an author through Google's eyes, then we will establish better rankings when we publish content as that author through your on-site and off-site blogs.  

The authorship tags will be setup on your wordpress blog so it will auto claim authorship on what has been posted, and the authorship tags will be manually used (when possible) to claim authorship of content published outside of your website.

Picture and Video Uploading (if applicable)

If the blog platform permits, we will be upload images of your business and videos to your blog in an effort to further increase the attractiveness and brand on your off-site blogs.

Blog Category Setup

Assuming you already have a wordpress blog on your website, or we have set one up for you; we still need to configure the blog.  Establishing the categories on a blog is very important.  When you go into a blog and all you see are archive dates to old blog posts, you have no way to easily navigate to the type of content you are looking for.  That would be equivalent to going on a website and they have no main navigation.  So, it is very important for us to establish categories in your blog.  

For blogs that do not have very many relevant articles, we highly recommend adding a category for "Previous Publications" and adding all that old content you have onto the blog.  

The standard universal blog categories are:

Company Updates
Press Releases
Industry News
Previous Publications (for old content in your closet)

Blog Branding - Company Logo, Complete Business Information

We will brand your off-site blogs with your business information, and company logo.  Increased attractiveness and branding on your off-site blogs will increase the chances of a user subscribing to the blog.

Blog Article Writing

We will write fully optimized blog article that are typically anywhere from 350 words to 400+ words.  
In order for the blog post to be of high relevance to the target keywords and, in turn, be distinguished by search engines, the target keywords need to be seamlessly incorporated in the blog article content. Our method of inserting keywords involves both meeting SEO requirements and, at the same time, ensuring the resulting keyword optimized content sounds natural to anyone who reads it.  The content written is designed to catch the target audience's attention while expanding the overall site's size using useful and informational content.

For off-site blogs we will focus our writing effort on general blog content writing.  Our writers will research out topic matters related to your business and write about them.  This often times includes helpful tips, and answers to common questions being asked online.

Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing & Uploading

When writing blog articles it is important to keep in mind that you also need to create a descriptive and keyword relevant page title and meta description.  Each blog article we write for you will also have a page title and meta description written.

Interlinking Blog Page to Target and Related Pages

When we upload the blog article, we will make sure to interlink the blog article to the respective target page.  Blog articles are written with the intent of supporting the primary target pages we created.  Therefore the keywords used in the blog articles will reflect the same keyword subject matter of the keywords on the primary target page it will be interlinked to.  By interlinking keyword related blog articles on a monthly basis we are expanding your backlink profile.  External blogs create backlinks to the website when we post blog articles on them and over time these backlinks will have a significant impact on the keyword rankings of the website itself.

On-site Blog and Authorship Configuration
Google + Authorship Setup

When a Google + account is created, you have to sign up as a user which requires a first name and a last name.  The Google + account is attached to a particular user, just like a facebook account is.  Google has the ability to track "Authorship" of what you write anywhere on the "public" online world as long as you use a certain "tag" on the page to tell Google who the author is.  This "Authorship" tag can be generated through your Google + account.  

When we setup your Google + account *(or you give us access to one) we let you know that we will be using it to claim authorship of the content we write and publish.  Sometimes you cannot claim authorship of content (depends on where we publish the content), however the majority of the time we will try to claim authorship of the content published on and off of your website whenever possible.  When content is associated with your Google + account through an authorship tag it gives that Google + user credit for creating the content.

Being able to claim authorship of content helps with duplicate content issues, and improves the readers trust.  When enough quality content is published by an author it establishes more credibility in the eye's of Google.  If we can establish a high level of credibility as an author through Google's eyes, then we will establish better rankings when we publish content as that author through your on-site and off-site blogs.  

The authorship tags will be setup on your wordpress blog so it will auto claim authorship on what has been posted, and the authorship tags will be manually used (when possible) to claim authorship of content published outside of your website.

Google + Publisher Setup

ownership of the content on your website through Google's eyes.  Now you can!  We can create a business page on your Google + account and generate a unique tag from your business page to install on your website.   This tag will tell Google that your Google + business is the publisher of the content on your website.  In other words, you are telling Google you are the publisher of the content on your website.

Blog Category Setup

Assuming you already have a wordpress blog on your website, or we have set one up for you; we still need to configure the blog.  Establishing the categories on a blog is very important.  When you go into a blog and all you see are archive dates to old blog posts, you have no way to easily navigate to the type of content you are looking for.  That would be equivalent to going on a website and they have no main navigation.  So, it is very important for us to establish categories in your blog.  

For blogs that do not have very many relevant articles, we highly recommend adding a category for "Previous Publications" and adding all that old content you have onto the blog.  

The standard universal blog categories are:

Company Updates
Press Releases
Industry News
Previous Publications (for old content in your closet)

Uploading of Provided Blog Articles (from you)

During the first month of the campaign we ask you to gather all the old content you can find that is related to your business.  Most companies have a tremendous amount of written content stored in old file cabinets; from research to old promotions.  Having relevant content on your website is extremely important and most websites struggle to have a significant amount of relevant content published on their website.

We will create a category on your blog called "Previous Publications".  The blog category is intended solely for old content that might be out-dated.  Content published in this category must be relative to the business's services or products, however being outdated is of no concern because the blog category lets searchers know that the content in this category is consider a previous publication and might be out dated.  

Just like a facebook timeline, old events or publications are still relevant to users, and having this additional content will help the website to rank better for your target keywords.  

To motivate you to dig through your closet, old file cabinets, and your computers in a effort to find great content to publish, we are offering to upload X amount of content to your blog free of charge.  We want to make the most of your marketing campaign and as the company owner you have the highest authority on your business and your previously written content could be of extreme value in our marketing campaign. 

Blog Article Categorizing and Tagging

When we upload the content you give us, we will also categorize it in the blog and write a page title and meta description for each piece of content you provide to us.  This will allow the content to be easier to find by site users, and also help with gaining higher rankings.

Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing

When writing blog articles it is important to keep in mind that you also need to create a descriptive and keyword relevant page title and meta description.  Each blog article we write for you will also have a page title and meta description written.

On-Page Website Optimization
General On-Page Optimization
Homepage Redirect Optimization

Homepage Redirect Analysis

Similar to the Domain Redirect Analysis, we will be checking if the homepage has different URL versions and determining which version should be used for your site in the search results.


Homepage Redirecting

If we find a duplicate URL of the homepage and have determined which version to go for, provided that we have the necessary access, we will be implementing the 301 homepage redirect to our recommended version.

Domain Redirect Optimization

Domain Redirect Analysis

Some websites use both the WWW and the non-WWW version of its URLs. If this is the case, and the site does not redirect to WWW if non-WWW is used and vice versa, then the site needs to be redirected to its appropriate URL. Here, we will be determining which version should be used for your site in the search results so that the rankings and traffic will not be distributed and search engines will not interpret them as duplicates or different pages (

Domain Redirecting

If necessary and given the appropriate access, we will be implementing the 301 domain redirect to our recommended version - either WWW or non-WWW.

Website Logo Alt Text Optimization

Website Logo Alt Text Composition Analysis

Used with the img src http tag, Alt Text provides search engines an important way of understanding what the image is about.

We will be checking whether or not the site's existing website logo's alt text is utilized and properly optimized.  We only do this on the banner/logo since this is generally an image that can be seen on ALL pages within the site -- This makes the area very visible to search engines.

We can add optimized alt texts to the rest of the images within the pages of your choosing for an additional charge per alt text.

Website Logo Alt Text Optimization

If the site's existing website logo's alt text is not utilized and properly optimized, we will be creating/recommending an alternate text (alt text) for the website's logo.

Given that the image/logo is located at the topmost part of the source code, there is a very high chance that this will be picked up by search engines. Placing optimized text within the alt text attribute will help the pages rank. To compose the necessary alt text, the keywords that represent the site as a whole and the primary targeted keywords are taken into consideration along with the company/website's name and the geographic targets.

Robots.TXT Checking & Fixing

Part of our On Page optimization procedure is to check the website for issues concerning its robots.txt file and/or our target pages' robot meta tags.

The robots.txt file provides instructions about the site to web robots such as search engine crawlers ( The special HTML <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT=""> tag can also be used to tell robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow (

Canonical URL Optimization (if necessary)

What is a canonical page?

A canonical page is the preferred version of a set of pages with highly similar content.
Why specify a canonical page?

It's common for a site to have several pages listing the same set of products. For example, one page might display products sorted in alphabetical order, while other pages display the same products listed by price or by rating. For example:

If Google knows that these pages have the same content, we may index only one version for our search results. Our algorithms select the page we think best answers the user's query. Now, however, users can specify a canonical page to search engines by adding a <link> element with the attribute rel="canonical" to the <head> section of the non-canonical version of the page. Adding this link and attribute lets site owners identify sets of identical content and suggest to Google: "Of all these pages with identical content, this page is the most useful. Please prioritize it in search results."

Page Titles and Meta Tags
Page Title Optimization

The Page Title <Title></Title> indicates the title of the page. It shows on the browser's title window and more importantly, it is the main big link that users click on when they are viewing the search engine's results page. Search engines read title tags and relate them to the page's content. The title tag will be optimized in a way that it contains the target keywords and is eye catching at the same time.

Meta Description Optimization

The Meta Description, like any other meta tag, is only processed by the search engines. It ideally contains a brief description of the webpage. The meta description tag is typically a sentence or two of content which describes the contents of the page. A good meta description tag should: be relevant and unique to the page; reinforce the page title; and focus on including offers and secondary keywords and phrases to help add context to the page title. 

Optimizing this meta tag will help rankings a lot because relevant meta description tags may appear in search results as part of the page description below the page title.

This Meta Description tag will be optimized in a way that is both very enticing for users and keyword relevant for search engines.

Uploading of Optimized Meta Tags

Once the Page Title & Meta Descriptions have been created, if we have the necessary access, we will upload the optimized Meta Tags to their corresponding target pages.

Website Content
Duplicate Website Content Checking

We will be checking your website for duplicate content and providing a duplicate content report if any exists.  If you hired someone to write your website are you 100% sure it is unique content.  Many copywriters simply rewrite or blatantly copy content from other websites.  It is of extreme importance to have original, unique content on your website.  If we detect significant duplicate content we will be requiring for this content to be rewritten in order to ensure maximum rankability of the website.

100 Pages
250 Pages
350 Pages
500 Pages
750 Pages
1000 Pages
Content Analysis and Optimization Guidelines

In the world of SEO, Content is King!

Consequently, the target pages' content will be analyzed and, if necessary, we will be recommending additional content or changes to the existing content to make sure that they are properly optimized.  The desired word count on a target URL/page for competitive keywords is no less than 400 words. For less competitive or non-competitive keywords/niches, a minimum of 350 words will do. 

Once the content requirements have been determined per page, we will be creating additional content writing guidelines detailing out how much additional content is needed, what keywords need to be used and how many times per keyword.

NOTE: Should you need content to be written by us, we have professional writers available that will write for an additional cost.

3 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
18 Pages
24 Pages
30 Pages
Duplicate and Missing H1 Analysis and Optimization

H1 Analysis

Search engines pay special attention to text that is marked with a heading tag (H1), as such, H1 text is distinguished from the rest of the page content as being more important and is used to help the search engines identify what a page is about. Your desired keywords appear in heading tags if you want them to be noticed by the search engines.

H1 Optimization*

Placing keywords on H1 texts will help increase the relevance of that keyword to the page. Google places high importance on the first major heading <h1> on a page – the logic being that Google expects it to contain prime keywords.

You should only use a single H1 element on each page, and may want to use multiple other heading elements to structure a document. An H1 element source would look like: <h1>Your Topic</h1>

3 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
18 Pages
24 Pages
30 Pages
Keyword Optimization of Existing Website Content

Incorporating target keywords to a target page's existing text content: 

If a target page has unique content that is at least 300 words in length, the said content will be optimized by inserting the target keywords. We make sure that each keyword insert sounds natural to Web site visitors and is grammatically tolerable (even if the keyword is inherently grammatically incorrect).

Unless specified and paid for, this process does not involve fixing any grammar and spelling issues found in the original content - only the integration of the target keywords.

3 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
18 Pages
24 Pages
30 Pages
Content Uploading

Uploading/Updating the target page with optimized content:

When website content is supplied (either by us or you) and is determined to have passed our keyword requirements, the content will then be uploaded to the live target page.

3 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
18 Pages
24 Pages
30 Pages
Promo Call to Action Installation

If applicable, we will be writing promotional content on a monthly basis.  As part of most marketing campaigns we ask you to come up with promotions you are willing to offer to your customers/clients.  These promotions will be published in many different channels, but specifically published on your blog in the category "Promotions".  In order for users on your website to find your latest promotions we need to install a "Promotion Call to Action" on your website.  

Typically this is in the form of a banner we create and upload to the sidebar or footer area of your website.  This way, when site users are on your primary website pages they can still reference an image link to find your latest promotions.  

Promotions are extremely important to online marketing campaigns and have always been a staple to every large brick and mortar business in the world. 

3 Pages
6 Pages
12 Pages
18 Pages
24 Pages
30 Pages
Website Speed Optimization and Security
Website Performance Optimization Setup
Page Load Optimization

Do you know how long it takes to load a page on average on your website?  Google has publicly stated that page load time impacts your search engine rankings.  Not only does slower page load time impact your rankings, but it also impacts your users experience.  Websites with faster page load times experience a lower user bounce rate.  In short, when your website loads faster everyone is happier.

Increase a page's load speed can be rather complex and take a lot of work.  Optimization page load time on a website page by page by page could be a daunting task.  We will setup your website for page load speed optimization site-wide.  We will use special software to help compress your javascript, and minimize the number of network connections.  We will also be able to spot third party resources that are slowing down your page's load time.  

Page load time optimization is a task that requires monthly monitoring and during the setup phase we will establish what are the best setting given your specific website.

Image Optimization

A large portion of optimizing a pages load speed is optimizing the images.  However optimizing images over an entire website would be extremely time consuming and rather expensive.  You also have to take into consideration how your images are optimized for mobile devices.  Ideally images are optimized one way for a normal desktop or laptop user and optimized a different way for mobile browser to find that perfect match of quality and performance.

We will setup image optimization on your website so all images across your site are auto optimized upon the page rendering.  Images will be optimized per user type and image optimization settings will be selected based on the type of website you own. On average you should expect a 30% reduction of image size upon page load.

Static Content Cache Optimization

When your website server caches your static content, it still has to load that cache every time a user visits your website.  This static content serving on your server can cause your hosting environment to slow down and may even cause higher hosting fees on your end.  We will take this load off of your hands and handle the serving of your static content off a Global Content Delivery network.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN) Implementation

Page load speed optimization is not enough.  It is important to have your website load for your users from a server nearest them.  For instance if you are in New York and trying to load a website that is hosted on a server in Seattle, it will take you a lot longer to load that website hosted in Seattle as opposed to the same website being hosted in New York.  

With a Global Content Delivery network we can take your cached static content (does not require you to change hosting providers) and make this cached content available from local servers around the world.  Even if your audience is all in one country, we would still be able to load this cached content from a server nearest the user whom is trying to load it.  The CDN service we use has servers all over the would and many servers throughout USA, Canada, Australia, and UK to name a few.  The static content on a website is what typically requires the most load time, so making this content available from servers nearest the user will noticeably increase load time. 

Keep in mind, this does not require you to change hosting providers.

Mobile User Optimization

In order to optimize your website for mobile users we have to load the pages different for each different mobile device.  Different mobile devices can also be using different browsers.  The software we will configure will optimize the images specifically for a mobile device and also modify how the page loads based on the browser the mobile device is using.

Security Setup
Static Content Up-Time Security

Website up time certainly plays a role in your keyword ranking performance.  You cannot rank a website high in the search engines if the website keeps going down.  Sometimes your hosting provider will have issues and your website might go down.  In the event of your website going down we can cache your static content and make sure the majority of your website stays up.  Of course functions such as forms, payments, and dynamics actions would still be down, but at least the static content of the website would remain up in the event of your website going down.  This service is necessary for websites whom have high bandwidth and cannot afford to be down from a search engine perspective.  

Note: keep in mind this service will not allow an ecommerce system to remain active in the event the website goes down.  Any actions that requires communication with your database will not work.  This only allows the static content to populate such as; images, written content, and embedded media. A typical wordpress website would look seemingly normal, but a website displaying dynamic pages based on different parameters would not operate.  This service is not 100% guaranteed as different websites treat static content differently.

SSL Encryption and Optimization

Website security is very important.  SSL encrypts customer information. As this information is being transferred across the network it is encrypted into either 128-bits or 256-bits, depending on the level of encryption you chose. People (or bots) looking to steal this information would have to decrypt it first, which in this modern age is extremely difficult to do. Without an SSL, it is a great deal easier as the information is not encrypted. The benefit of SSL is it helps keep personal information, such as name, address, and especially payment details safer online.

Another benefit to SSL is showing your website visitor you care about their security.  Why don't all website use SSL encryption?  Typically small website owners do not use SSL because it is either too expensive or they are worried about it slowing down their page load speed.

We cover the expense  and the load speed issues so there should be no reason why your website should not be secure.  With the SSL encryption optimization we use, your page load speed will not be impacted. 

Comment Spam Protection

If you do moderate the blog on your website, then you know how annoying it can be to have to moderate through all the automated comment spam.  We will cross check all IP addresses accessing your website to see if any of them have been blacklisted and marked as spammers.  If they are marked as spammers we will not allow them to comment on your blog.

Malware Protection

The majority of time a website becomes infested with malware, it is because a particular visitor to that website had a way of accessing the website in one form or another.  We will be able to detect if users on your website have malware or not and prompt them with a message to get their PC cleaned of malware. 

Content Scraping Protection

Keeping your content unique to your own website is important.  Every day there are thousands of bots scraping the internet for data.  These bots go into your website and mine for any sort of data they can find.  They are looking for written content, images, and address information among other things.  With content scraping protection this will prevent content scrapers from slowing down your page load speed and stealing your content.

XML Sitemaps
XML Sitemap Analysis, Generation & Installation - Google & Bing

XML Sitemap Generation

An XML Sitemap is a special file that provides search engines with specific directives about what pages to crawl and how often.  

If the site does not have an existing, auto-updated XML Sitemap, we will be creating one using various XML sitemap generator tools. If the site's CMS permits, we will be installing a sitemap generator plug-in/module to make sure that it's auto-updated.

XML Sitemap Installation

Once the XML Sitemap has been created successfully, it will be uploaded to the website's root directory. Sitemap Generation and Installation is done each time our optimizations involve a change to the URL structure of the website.

XML Sitemap Uploading to Google Webmaster

Google Webmaster is a program that webmasters can use to help Google index their contents using XML Sitemaps.  After the XML Sitemap is installed on the site, we will then submit it to Google Webmaster for verification.

XML Sitemap Uploading to Bing Webmaster

Bing Webmaster Tools is Bing's Google Webmaster counterpart.  After the XML Sitemap is installed on the site, we will also be submitting it to Bing Webmaster for verification.

Analytics and Webmasters
Google Analytics Script Analysis, Generation & Installation (Target Pages & Homepage)

Google Analytics Script Analysis

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool offering detailed visitor statistics. The tool can be used to track all the usual site activities: visits, page views, pages per visit, bounce rates, average time on the site, and much more.  It is an in-depth traffic analytics program.

We will be checking the site for an existing and working Google Analytics (GA) script.  What we find will determine whether or not we need to generate a GA code for the site.  

Google Analytics Script Generation*

Generating a Google Analytics (GA) script for the site:
If the site does not have a GA script or the client prefers we replace the existing one, then we will generate the GA script for the website. The code generated will later be installed on the site.

Google Analytics Script Installation*

Installing the Google Analytics (GA) script to the site:
The generated GA script will be added to the site's source code. This will be used to track user interactions with the website via the Google Analytics dashboard.

Google Webmaster Script Generation & Installation

Google Webmaster Script Analysis

After 2 to 3 weeks, or once Google Webmaster has enough data, we will then go in and analyze Google Webmaster to make sure your website is indexing properly, malware free, and crawl error free.

Google Webmaster Script Generation*

Google Webmaster allows you to obtain data about crawling, indexing and search traffic. It also allows you to receive notifications about problems on your site.  Consequently, we will be generating a new Google Webmaster verification file for the site to gather valuable information that enables us to:

1) Find out how Google crawls, indexes and ranks your site
2) See how many people found your site in the search results, and how many people clicked on it
3) Tell you if we detect that your site has malware or generates errors
4) See other sites that are linking to yours
5) Tell Google about your site - submit Sitemaps and see how many pages we added to the index

Google Webmaster Script Installation*

Installation of the Google Webmaster Script is done either through uploading an HTML file to the site's root directory or adding a meta code on the site's homepage.  This will  depend on what's applicable to the website access granted.

Google Webmaster Geographic Target Setting, Preferred Domain

Setting the geographic target of a website on Google Webmaster:

This is done via Google Webmaster Tools upon completing the verification process. The country targeted by the website will be assessed through the website's content and the campaign documents. This will help increase the relevance of the website in a particular location.

Website Backup and Security
Website Malware and Virus Check

Diagnosing the site for malware, viruses or other malicious entities:

The site's behavior will be manually analyzed and its files will be thoroughly diagnosed using malware and virus scanners. This is to ensure that the site is functional and is being indexed normally by search engines.

Pre & Post Optimization Website Backup

Pre-Optimization Website Backup

Creating a local backup of the website before any On Page optimization:
All downloadable website files will be saved and secured locally before we implement any On Page optimizations.

Post-Optimization Website Backup

Creating a local backup of the website after any On Page optimization:
All downloadable website files will be secured locally after a session of on page optimization is completed. This will serve as a saving point and will aid the tracking and troubleshooting if any issues are encountered in the future.

1 Year Secure Backup Storage*

This will ensure that the backup copy of the website will be secured and will not be removed from our server for an entire year.

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

The auditing process includes, but is not limited to, the checking of the following:
1. Format
2. Link status analysis
3. 100% of the month's work is completed in full
4. Report is updated accordingly
5. Fixing of errors or dead links

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Off Page Optimization - Month 2 & Ongoing Monthly
Monthly Error Auditing
Meta Tag Audit on Target URLs

Meta tags, especially the page title and meta descriptions, are very important aspects in On Page SEO.  Once we have already keyword optimized the target pages’ meta tags, it is crucial that they remain untouched. Our SEO efforts will not be as effective otherwise.

We will be auditing the meta tags of the target pages on a monthly basis to ensure that they are in place.

Google Webmaster Error Checking & Reporting

Google Webmaster Error Checking

This involves checking the website for crawl errors, malware and other problems using the diagnostic tool found in Google Webmaster.

Google Webmaster Error Report

If we find a crawl error on the site, we will be forwarding it to you along with any solutions we have for fixing it.

The reported URLs typically need to be redirected to either the homepage or their new counterpart URLs. Alternatively, they can be blocked using the robots.txt file and reported to Google for removal.  The first redirect option is preferred and has more benefits in terms of SEO.

On Site Content Generation & Optimization
Content Generation
Unique Content Writing (400-500 words)(see content type options below)

Google has always said, "Content is King".  We write content on an ongoing monthly basis to expand your website, keep the content updates to the website fresh, and to create an ongoing "social buzz" about your website.  When we create new content we strategically link it up to other pages in our internally documented content siloing outline.  The content is posted to the blog on-going monthly.  The type of content we write depends on the type of content you want us to write.  We have a content type scheduler that allows you to go in and choose what type of content you want us to write, what keywords you want us to write it about, and notes you can give us so we know exactly what we should be writing about.

The four primary types of content we write are:

Company Updates
Press Releases
Industry News

— Press Release

This involves writing a fully optimized Press Release that represents the company's special promotions or important business updates.

Press Releases are a great way of exposing your brand and exposing any interesting and important news you'd like to share with your target market and audience. Through Press Releases, you are able to announce any company changes using mainstream media outlets. Press Releases rank incredibly well in the search engines and provide you with a great media outlet tool for your company and any company changes you'd like to share with the general public.

The syndication of these Press Releases provides essential, strong back links back to our target pages via keyword anchor text.  Our Press Releases are individually strategized and linked back to the corresponding pages of the website. 

— Company Updates

Company updates are pretty much what you would expect them to be.  When we write fresh content for your blog on a monthly basis we want to write about something in regards to your company that is both appealing to your social and website audience.  Company updates provide us content for amazing blog articles and people really do enjoy reading about company updates.  In your content scheduler and intake portal you will be able to tell us what is going on with your company so we know when we can put this information into a company update blog article. 

— Promotion

Promotions are important for any company, especially in regards to online marketing.  Most people looking around the internet are not especially interested in anything other than specifically what they are searching for.  However, if someone is online and might be curious about your services or products, then a promotion would attract their attention.

Promotions are time sensitive and prompt people to take action and make a purchase or other action in order to redeem the promotion.  With your input, we will write about your promotions and publish them for you. 

— Industry News

If you have no input on any press release, company updates, or promotions, then we will by default write about "Industry News".  When we write about industry news this would also be published on your blog in the industry news category.  Industry news makes for wonderful blog content because it is relevant, up to date, and will also attract searchers looking to read about that particular industry news in your area.  Therefore, if you are looking for local or national clients and keep an up to date blog on the most recent industry news, this will help you to pull in the searchers looking for additional reading material about the particular industry news we wrote about.  Posting industry news to your blog is not all we do.  We clip in industry news from outside sources and then we write about the news story and associate the news in one way or another to your services or products so we can direct traffic from your blog to your target pages.

— Custom
On-Site Uploading and Interlinking Blog Content
Uploading Content to Blog

The "unique content" written will be in the form of either a press release, company update, promotion, or industry news.  This content will then be uploaded to the appropriate blog category in the blog on your website.  We will make sure the blog content is properly displaying and formatted at the basic level. 

Categorizing and Tagging Content in Blog

When we upload the written content to your blog we will make sure to properly categorize and tag it.  Tags are descriptive comma separated words that describe the written content.  These tags will be keyword optimized tags to help with the SEO strategy.  

Interlinking Blog Page to Target and Related Pages

When we upload the blog article, we will make sure to interlink the blog article to the respective target page.  Blog articles are written with the intent of supporting the primary target pages we created.  Therefore the keywords used in the blog articles will reflect the same keyword subject matter of the keywords on the primary target page it will be interlinked to.  By interlinking keyword related blog articles on a monthly basis we are expanding each content silo on the website monthly and over time the website could become an authority in the search engines based on content alone.  

Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing & Uploading

When writing blog articles it is important to keep in mind that you also need to create a descriptive and keyword relevant page title and meta description.  Each blog article we write for you will also have a page title and meta description written.

Promotion or News Image Placement (*if applicable)

If you selected to have use write about a promotion or industry news in a particular month, we will be placing an image in the content we write.  If you selected to have us write about a promotion for your company then we would generate a graphically designed "coupon" with a bar code and place it within the blog post about the promotion. 

If you selected to have us write about industry news then we would "clip" industry news and show an image of the industry news we are writing about on the blog article.

Off-Site Content and Backlink Generation
Blog Article Writing
Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing & Uploading
Interlinking Blog Page to Target and Related Pages
Content Distribution
Social Media Distribution

We write fresh content for you on a monthly basis and we need a way to tell the world about this content.  The content is uploaded to your blog and we would claim authorship over the written content with your related Google + account.  We let the world know about your newly created content through the 10 social media accounts we set up for you.  We will go into each account and make a "post" or "update" letting everyone know about the newly created content.  Of course we will not say "Hey look at my new content".. we would be letting people know that either a new company update, press release, promotion or industry news article has been posted and to check it out.  

Social media content distribution generates additional social buzz and sends traffic to your blog.  We can also generate back links doing this.  Ideally this would also generate social signals to your blog articles in the form of Facebook likes, Google +1's etc, however this is dependent on the users actions.

Social Sharing Distribution

Once we have written fresh content for your blog, we want to share it with the outside world.  What better way to share newly created content than through social sharing.  Social sharing websites are established for the purpose of telling everyone about the content you prefer online and then others can also see it.  The nice thing about social sharing is the ability to have others go to what you shared and add it to their "sharing list" and then everyone who sees their sharing list would also see your page and it could go viral.  Social sharing is a no brainer for telling the world about new content online and also builds back links.  We will use the social sharing accounts we setup during month 1 for this process.

Off-Site Blog Distribution

When you have multiple blogs you want to keep your audience updated on all your fresh content.  We will be setting up 6 blogs for you.  One of those blogs is on your website, and 5 of the blogs are on outside third party websites as stated in the month 1 line items.   When we post new content on your blog we make sure to go into your other 5 external blogs and make a post to let people know about the new content on your blog.  They will be able to read part of the content but would need to continue to your website to finish reading the piece of content.  By posting notices about new content to your external blogs we are able to keep your external blogs fresh, up to date, and build back links to your website.

Press Release Publications (*if applicable)

Press Releases are submitted to press release publication websites across the global internet.  The publications of the press releases are all done manually.  When submitting press releases (depending on the publication site) the keywords targeted in the press release have anchor text pointing back to the target page on your website.  The press release is properly categorized, tagged, and submitted to meet the publication date deadline.  

The purpose of submitting press releases is to build high quality back links to the target URL of your website, establish a greater branding presence online, and inform the public of a point of significance within your company.

Competitive Link Building
Back link Count and Referring Domains Overview

Back links are incoming unique links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a back link is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node. Back links are also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.

The number of back links is an indication of the popularity or importance of a given website. Back links are important for SEO because some search engines like Google give more credit to websites that have a large number of quality back links, and consider those websites more relevant than others for relevant search queries.

Upon commencement of the campaign, before we start with link building, we will be generating a report with the site's total back links and referring domains count to assess the current popularity status of the site.

Competition Back-Link Analysis

Combining both manual and software intelligence, we will examine the competitions back links.  These back links will undergo analysis to determine the quality and probability of the link opportunity.  The list of approved linking opportunities will be provided to the link development team.  The link development team will try to successfully gain a link from the respective website.  If websites require a payment to establish a link, we will document the amount required and provide this in a report for future reference.  Paid linking opportunities (could be a directory, blog, forum etc.) should be addressed by you.

2 Competitor or 300 Backlinks
4 Competitor or 600 Backlinks
8 Competitor or 1200 Backlinks
12 Competitor or 1800 Backlinks
16 Competitor or 2400 Backlinks
20 Competitor or 3000 Backlinks
Targeted Back-Link Development

When the competitive back link analysis is complete, the target back link opportunities are sent to the back link development team. This team will go into the websites indicated in the back link opportunity report and attempt to gain a link back to your website.  This team has different tactics for developing back links.  Sometimes gaining a back link requires us to contact the webmaster of the website we want a link from, sometimes we need to publish content, and sometimes we have to simply enter in business information.  The amount of time spent attempting to establish a back link from each back link opportunity will depend on the priority level of the back link opportunity.  The back link analysis team establishes the priority level of the back link opportunity before sending it to the back link development team.

Website Speed Optimization and Security
Website Performance Optimization Maintenance
Page Load Optimization

Although this is setup and configured on month 1 of the campaign, the service needs to run on a monthly basis to ensure ongoing page load speed optimization. 

Increase a page's load speed can be rather complex and take a lot of work.  Optimization page load time on a website page by page by page could be a daunting task.  We will setup your website for page load speed optimization site-wide.  We will use special software to help compress your javascript, and minimize the number of network connections.  We will also be able to spot third party resources that are slowing down your page's load time.  

Page load time optimization is a task that requires monthly monitoring and during the setup phase we will establish what are the best setting given your specific website.

Image Optimization

Image optimization requires a monthly service to continue to optimize all images site wide.  

A large portion of optimizing a pages load speed is optimizing the images.  However optimizing images over an entire website would be extremely time consuming and rather expensive.  You also have to take into consideration how your images are optimized for mobile devices.  Ideally images are optimized one way for a normal desktop or laptop user and optimized a different way for mobile browser to find that perfect match of quality and performance.

We will perform image optimization on your website so all images across your site are auto optimized upon the page rendering.  Images will be optimized per user type and image optimization settings will be selected based on the type of website you own. On average you should expect a 30% reduction of image size upon page load.

Static Content Cache Optimization

When your website server caches your static content, it still has to load that cache every time a user visits your website.  This static content serving on your server can cause your hosting environment to slow down and may even cause higher hosting fees on your end.  We will take this load off of your hands and handle the serving of your static content off a Global Content Delivery network. 

Note: this service runs monthly to continually optimize your static content caching.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Page load speed optimization is not enough.  It is important to have your website load for your users from a server nearest them.  For instance if you are in New York and trying to load a website that is hosted on a server in Seattle, it will take you a lot longer to load that website hosted in Seattle as opposed to the same website being hosted in New York.  

With a Global Content Delivery network we can take your cached static content (does not require you to change hosting providers) and make this cached content available from local servers around the world.  Even if your audience is all in one country, we would still be able to load this cached content from a server nearest the user whom is trying to load it.  The CDN service we use has servers all over the would and many servers throughout USA, Canada, Australia, and UK to name a few.  The static content on a website is what typically requires the most load time, so making this content available from servers nearest the user will noticeably increase load time. 

Keep in mind, this does not require you to change hosting providers. 

Note: this service runs monthly to continually be able to utilize a CDN network.

Mobile User Optimization

In order to optimize your website for mobile users we have to load the pages different for each different mobile device.  Different mobile devices can also be using different browsers.  The software we will configure will optimize the images specifically for a mobile device and also modify how the page loads based on the browser the mobile device is using. 

Note: this service runs monthly to continually be able to optimize pages for mobile users.

Security Maintenance
Static Content Up-Time Security

Website up time certainly plays a role in your keyword ranking performance.  You cannot rank a website high in the search engines if the website keeps going down.  Sometimes your hosting provider will have issues and your website might go down.  In the event of your website going down we can cache your static content and make sure the majority of your website stays up.  Of course functions such as forms, payments, and dynamics actions would still be down, but at least the static content of the website would remain up in the event of your website going down.  This service is necessary for websites whom have high bandwidth and cannot afford to be down from a search engine perspective.  

Note: keep in mind this service will not allow an ecommerce system to remain active in the event the website goes down.  Any actions that requires communication with your database will not work.  This only allows the static content to populate such as; images, written content, and embedded media. A typical wordpress website would look seemingly normal, but a website displaying dynamic pages based on different parameters would not operate.  This service is not 100% guaranteed as different websites treat static content differently. 

This service runs on a monthly basis.

SSL Encryption and Optimization

Website security is very important.  SSL encrypts customer information. As this information is being transferred across the network it is encrypted into either 128-bits or 256-bits, depending on the level of encryption you chose. People (or bots) looking to steal this information would have to decrypt it first, which in this modern age is extremely difficult to do. Without an SSL, it is a great deal easier as the information is not encrypted. The benefit of SSL is it helps keep personal information, such as name, address, and especially payment details safer online.

Another benefit to SSL is showing your website visitor you care about their security.  Why don't all website use SSL encryption?  Typically small website owners do not use SSL because it is either too expensive or they are worried about it slowing down their page load speed.

We cover the expense  and the load speed issues so there should be no reason why your website should not be secure.  With the SSL encryption optimization we use, your page load speed will not be impacted. 

This service runs on a monthly basis. 

Comment Spam Protection

If you do moderate the blog on your website, then you know how annoying it can be to have to moderate through all the automated comment spam.  We will cross check all IP addresses accessing your website to see if any of them have been blacklisted and marked as spammers.  If they are marked as spammers we will not allow them to comment on your blog. 

This service runs on a monthly basis.

Malware Protection

The majority of time a website becomes infested with malware, it is because a particular visitor to that website had a way of accessing the website in one form or another.  We will be able to detect if users on your website have malware or not and prompt them with a message to get their PC cleaned of malware.  

This service runs on a monthly basis.

Content Scraping Protection

Keeping your content unique to your own website is important.  Every day there are thousands of bots scraping the internet for data.  These bots go into your website and mine for any sort of data they can find.  They are looking for written content, images, and address information among other things.  With content scraping protection this will prevent content scrapers from slowing down your page load speed and stealing your content. 

This service runs on a monthly basis.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We will provide a dedicated IP for link building purposes. We do this to ensure the link building quality and increase the likelihood of approval for the links we are building.  This is because having a dedicated IP allows for a higher approval percentage of the links we build and increases the indexing power behind those links in the major search engines.

IP services will also be utilized when creating your accounts. 

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

The auditing process includes, but is not limited to, the checking of the following:
1. Format
2. Link status analysis
3. 100% of the month's work is completed in full
4. Report is updated accordingly
5. Fixing of errors or dead links

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Recommended Minimum Duration

The minimum recommended duration for any SEO marketing campaign is 12 months.  Ideally SEO campaigns run forever.  SEO marketing is a long term marketing strategy that should be factored into a company's monthly overhead.  The minimum duration is stated to give a milestone as to when you should be able to see satisfactory to ideal ranking and traffic results.  Keep in mind there are many other factors that determine ranking and traffic outcome as a result of a SEO marketing campaign. What is contained within this proposal does not cover 100% of ranking and traffic factors.  We recommend you to run this marketing campaign for a minimum of one year, with a thorough check-in analysis every 6 months.

Number of Primary Keywords

Primary keywords are the keywords we consider to be the highest priority.  Typical marketing campaigns have "keyword groups".  Each primary keyword should have 2 related secondary keywords.  Within one keyword group, the primary keyword would be the most competitive and the two related "secondary keywords" would be less competitive.  We recommend keyword grouping in this manner to help structure our content siloing.

Number of Secondary Keywords

Secondary keywords are related to a specific primary keyword.  Each primary keyword will have two related secondary keywords, which are less competitive.  Target keywords are grouped together and each keyword in a keyword group has a different competition level. Typically one keyword will stand out with the most competition.  The main benefit in grouping keywords together in the manner of 1 primary to 2 secondary, is the ability to put more effort and energy into the primary keywords.  One primary keyword could have MUCH more value and traffic than a secondary keyword and therefore it is of extreme importance for us to classify and group the target keywords accordingly.

Manual and Software Driven Keyword Research

Manual Keyword Mining

Before launching a marketing campaign we need to know what keywords to target.  A “keyword” is what we refer to as the word or phrased typed into a search engine to return search results.  Utilizing software and several man hours of filtering through the Google data, we return a full keyword report.  The report not only shows keyword traffic, but also competition analysis and where the website is currently ranking in Google, Yahoo, and Bing for that particular keyword. The keywords chosen determine the direction of the entire marketing campaign, thus the extreme importance we place on keyword research.  

Keyword Ranking Report

Keyword Rankings, or where your site is ranked in search engines for keywords, has a major impact on your Web traffic, lead generation and conversions. Research shows more than 75% of all search engine users click on a result on the first page; so the higher you rank in the search engine results pages, the better your chances are of gaining more traffic. 

Using specialized software, the rankings of the target keywords for the website will be generated and tabulated.  The results will be used as a reference point for the initial rankings of the keywords before the marketing campaign is commenced. 

Keyword Competition Analysis

We will be analyzing the competition involved in the target keywords to check the feasibility of making them rank on the first page of Google within a certain span of time, and to determine the appropriate workload for each keyword.  Of course, the lower the competition, the easier it will be for the keyword to rank.

Keyword Grouping

This is where we group the target keywords that have been agreed upon into sets of 1-3 keywords which will then be designated to target pages during the URL Mapping stage.  Keywords of a given campaign are grouped based on, but not limited to, similar keywords, related terms,  and geo-target.

URL Architecting

By organizing the URLs, it will also helps organize the entire website. By having a proper URL structure, it will help users to easily determine what page they are on by just looking at the URL alone. Most websites do not have a proper url structure and simple put all pages as a direct extension off the homepage.  

Lets look at an example of a pesticide company that has 5 different services.

Wrong URL structure:

Correct URL structure:

The search engines can only interpret a website as well as it is built.  Having properly structured URLs is essential to ensure maximum rankability of your website.

URL Mapping

If an SEO campaign has 30 keywords, they will not all go on the same page.  We usually target 1 keyword on each page, with unique exceptions to the homepage.  The process of determining which page should contain certain keywords is URL mapping.

Factors such as theme relevance and page rankings will come into play when URL mapping is performed.  Among the target pages that are prioritized are those that are convertible and/or will catch a user's attention, engaging them and encouraging them to interact and browse through the site.  The homepage, which is the most highly evaluated page among all the others, is always targeted.  If a page with a matching theme does not exist for certain keywords, then a new page with fresh content will have to be created.

Target URLs

The Target URLs are determined during keyword URL mapping.  These URLs are simply the pages we are primarily targeting with our On Page and Off Page optimizations.  When we track the keyword rankings, these are the pages you should see rankings respective to the keywords targeted on each page.

Google Webmaster Error Checking & Reporting

Google Webmaster Error Checking

This involves checking the website for crawl errors, malware and other problems using the diagnostic tool found in Google Webmaster.

Google Webmaster Error Report

If we find a crawl error on the site, we will be forwarding it to you along with any solutions we have for fixing it.

The reported URLs typically need to be redirected to either the homepage or their new counterpart URLs. Alternatively, they can be blocked using the robots.txt file and reported to Google for removal.  The first redirect option is preferred and has more benefits in terms of SEO.

Manual Site Crawlability and Hidden Links Check

In order to better inspect your website we need to look at it as if we were a search engine bot.  We use a special tool to be able to view your website through the eyes of a search engine bot or spider.  When using this tool we are able to identify further issues with your website that could impact your site crawlability.  Additionally, we use this tool to inspect for hidden links and malicious code.  This is a time intensive process but necessary for those who want only the best inspection under the hood of their website.

Top 10 Business Directories Setup

We will setup and optimize the top 10 business directories for you.  Online business directories have taken over the stereotypical "Yellow Pages" and it is a must for all business owners to at least have a presence in the top 10 business directories online.  We will create your business directory accounts and make sure they are filled out and well optimized.  

The top 10 business directories we will setup include but are not limited to:

Bing Local
Yahoo Local
MapQuest Local
Yellow Pages
Super Pages
BBB Online
Best of the Web
Hot Frog
Mojo Pages
Insider Pages

Note:  These directories will vary based on your country and also the current priority status for the respective directory.

5 Press Release Accounts Setup

When we write press releases we need a way to publish the press release to the world.  Although we do this through your social channels, we also want to be able to get the press release published on official press release websites.  The benefit of publishing the press release on an official press release website is the exposure.  Searchers can go on the press release websites, find your press release, share it with their friend, like it with facebook, +1 it with Google plus, and even link to it in other conversations.  

We will be creating your accounts in the top 5 free press release publication sites during the first month of the marketing campaign.   

The list of press release sites we will setup include but are not limited to :

PR Web
All Voices
Pro Skore
Press Network
News Releaser

Google + Account Creation - Authorship Account

If you do not have a Google + account setup, we will create an account for you.  The Google + account we would setup (or be given from you) will need to have a user that we can use an the "Author" for blog articles.  For instance, if you has a Google + account that you want us to use but you do not want to be visible on your blog or in the search engines as an Author, then you should give us a different account that you would be ok with us using as an author.  Some companies choose to create a "dummy" user as their author so they can use it universally and also so that their content is not marked as "authored" by an employee that could leave the company.  

What else do we use a Google + account for?  The Google + access is the same access as Gmail, so make sure that if you hand us over a Google + account to manage that you are ok with us having the Gmail access because it is the same thing.  If you are not ok with us having Gmail access then please make sure to provide a different account or allow us to create one for you.  We will use the same Google + access to also setup the blogger, YouTube and other related Google accounts.

Google + Business Page Setup

The Google + business page will be setup as a page off of your Google + account.  The business page is like having your own mini business website on your Google +.  Business pages are important for social networking, SEO, claiming publisher ownership over your website content, and it allows your clients/customers to "Check In" using their Google latitude phone app.  We will complete the business page for you and make sure it is optimized and updated with the content we create on a monthly basis.

Top 10 Social Media Accounts Setup

We will setup your top 10 social media accounts for you.  For SEO, reputation management, and raw traffic generation value, it is important for you to have setup and maintain your top 10 social media accounts.  Social media accounts help to establish your brand, and it will help us to associate your brand to your website.  You social media accounts will also be used for content publication, generating back links, and attracting more visitors to your website. 

The social media account generated could include but are not limited to:

Google Plus

Top 10 Social Sharing Accounts Setup

We will setup your top 10 social sharing accounts for you.  Social sharing websites are specifically created for sharing content and making your sharing decisions publicly available.   Your social sharing accounts will help us to build back links to your website and they will help us to tell the world about the new content we will be generating for you on a monthly basis. 

The Social Sharing Accounts established could include but are not limited to:

Google Bookmarks

Top 5 Off-Site Blog Accounts Setup

Off-Site blogs are extremely important in today's online marketing world.  Of course having great written content on your website is the highest priority, but having multiple blogs with a significant amount of authority can really boost your rankings.  One of the best things about having your own off-site blogs is the ability to have full control.  When we setup the blogs we will have the ability to control comments, and what is published.  

The off-site blog will be used to publish content, establish brand, and build back links. 

The list of off-site blogs we setup include but are not limited to :


Blog Design Setup (from default options)

To give your off-site blog that added wow factor, we will be using the blog's default design options to further enhance your blog.  We will match the blog to your website theme the best we can using the default options inside the blog platform.  Note: these design options are limited so do not expect an exact match to your website.

Google + Authorship Setup

When a Google + account is created, you have to sign up as a user which requires a first name and a last name.  The Google + account is attached to a particular user, just like a facebook account is.  Google has the ability to track "Authorship" of what you write anywhere on the "public" online world as long as you use a certain "tag" on the page to tell Google who the author is.  This "Authorship" tag can be generated through your Google + account.  

When we setup your Google + account *(or you give us access to one) we let you know that we will be using it to claim authorship of the content we write and publish.  Sometimes you cannot claim authorship of content (depends on where we publish the content), however the majority of the time we will try to claim authorship of the content published on and off of your website whenever possible.  When content is associated with your Google + account through an authorship tag it gives that Google + user credit for creating the content.

Being able to claim authorship of content helps with duplicate content issues, and improves the readers trust.  When enough quality content is published by an author it establishes more credibility in the eye's of Google.  If we can establish a high level of credibility as an author through Google's eyes, then we will establish better rankings when we publish content as that author through your on-site and off-site blogs.  

The authorship tags will be setup on your wordpress blog so it will auto claim authorship on what has been posted, and the authorship tags will be manually used (when possible) to claim authorship of content published outside of your website.

Picture and Video Uploading (if applicable)

If the blog platform permits, we will be upload images of your business and videos to your blog in an effort to further increase the attractiveness and brand on your off-site blogs.

Blog Category Setup

Assuming you already have a wordpress blog on your website, or we have set one up for you; we still need to configure the blog.  Establishing the categories on a blog is very important.  When you go into a blog and all you see are archive dates to old blog posts, you have no way to easily navigate to the type of content you are looking for.  That would be equivalent to going on a website and they have no main navigation.  So, it is very important for us to establish categories in your blog.  

For blogs that do not have very many relevant articles, we highly recommend adding a category for "Previous Publications" and adding all that old content you have onto the blog.  

The standard universal blog categories are:

Company Updates
Press Releases
Industry News
Previous Publications (for old content in your closet)

Blog Branding - Company Logo, Complete Business Information

We will brand your off-site blogs with your business information, and company logo.  Increased attractiveness and branding on your off-site blogs will increase the chances of a user subscribing to the blog.

Blog Article Writing

We will write fully optimized blog article that are typically anywhere from 350 words to 400+ words.  
In order for the blog post to be of high relevance to the target keywords and, in turn, be distinguished by search engines, the target keywords need to be seamlessly incorporated in the blog article content. Our method of inserting keywords involves both meeting SEO requirements and, at the same time, ensuring the resulting keyword optimized content sounds natural to anyone who reads it.  The content written is designed to catch the target audience's attention while expanding the overall site's size using useful and informational content.

For off-site blogs we will focus our writing effort on general blog content writing.  Our writers will research out topic matters related to your business and write about them.  This often times includes helpful tips, and answers to common questions being asked online.

Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing & Uploading

When writing blog articles it is important to keep in mind that you also need to create a descriptive and keyword relevant page title and meta description.  Each blog article we write for you will also have a page title and meta description written.

Interlinking Blog Page to Target and Related Pages

When we upload the blog article, we will make sure to interlink the blog article to the respective target page.  Blog articles are written with the intent of supporting the primary target pages we created.  Therefore the keywords used in the blog articles will reflect the same keyword subject matter of the keywords on the primary target page it will be interlinked to.  By interlinking keyword related blog articles on a monthly basis we are expanding your backlink profile.  External blogs create backlinks to the website when we post blog articles on them and over time these backlinks will have a significant impact on the keyword rankings of the website itself.

Google + Authorship Setup

When a Google + account is created, you have to sign up as a user which requires a first name and a last name.  The Google + account is attached to a particular user, just like a facebook account is.  Google has the ability to track "Authorship" of what you write anywhere on the "public" online world as long as you use a certain "tag" on the page to tell Google who the author is.  This "Authorship" tag can be generated through your Google + account.  

When we setup your Google + account *(or you give us access to one) we let you know that we will be using it to claim authorship of the content we write and publish.  Sometimes you cannot claim authorship of content (depends on where we publish the content), however the majority of the time we will try to claim authorship of the content published on and off of your website whenever possible.  When content is associated with your Google + account through an authorship tag it gives that Google + user credit for creating the content.

Being able to claim authorship of content helps with duplicate content issues, and improves the readers trust.  When enough quality content is published by an author it establishes more credibility in the eye's of Google.  If we can establish a high level of credibility as an author through Google's eyes, then we will establish better rankings when we publish content as that author through your on-site and off-site blogs.  

The authorship tags will be setup on your wordpress blog so it will auto claim authorship on what has been posted, and the authorship tags will be manually used (when possible) to claim authorship of content published outside of your website.

Google + Publisher Setup

ownership of the content on your website through Google's eyes.  Now you can!  We can create a business page on your Google + account and generate a unique tag from your business page to install on your website.   This tag will tell Google that your Google + business is the publisher of the content on your website.  In other words, you are telling Google you are the publisher of the content on your website.

Blog Category Setup

Assuming you already have a wordpress blog on your website, or we have set one up for you; we still need to configure the blog.  Establishing the categories on a blog is very important.  When you go into a blog and all you see are archive dates to old blog posts, you have no way to easily navigate to the type of content you are looking for.  That would be equivalent to going on a website and they have no main navigation.  So, it is very important for us to establish categories in your blog.  

For blogs that do not have very many relevant articles, we highly recommend adding a category for "Previous Publications" and adding all that old content you have onto the blog.  

The standard universal blog categories are:

Company Updates
Press Releases
Industry News
Previous Publications (for old content in your closet)

Uploading of Provided Blog Articles (from you)

During the first month of the campaign we ask you to gather all the old content you can find that is related to your business.  Most companies have a tremendous amount of written content stored in old file cabinets; from research to old promotions.  Having relevant content on your website is extremely important and most websites struggle to have a significant amount of relevant content published on their website.

We will create a category on your blog called "Previous Publications".  The blog category is intended solely for old content that might be out-dated.  Content published in this category must be relative to the business's services or products, however being outdated is of no concern because the blog category lets searchers know that the content in this category is consider a previous publication and might be out dated.  

Just like a facebook timeline, old events or publications are still relevant to users, and having this additional content will help the website to rank better for your target keywords.  

To motivate you to dig through your closet, old file cabinets, and your computers in a effort to find great content to publish, we are offering to upload X amount of content to your blog free of charge.  We want to make the most of your marketing campaign and as the company owner you have the highest authority on your business and your previously written content could be of extreme value in our marketing campaign. 

Blog Article Categorizing and Tagging

When we upload the content you give us, we will also categorize it in the blog and write a page title and meta description for each piece of content you provide to us.  This will allow the content to be easier to find by site users, and also help with gaining higher rankings.

Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing

When writing blog articles it is important to keep in mind that you also need to create a descriptive and keyword relevant page title and meta description.  Each blog article we write for you will also have a page title and meta description written.

Homepage Redirect Optimization

Homepage Redirect Analysis

Similar to the Domain Redirect Analysis, we will be checking if the homepage has different URL versions and determining which version should be used for your site in the search results.


Homepage Redirecting

If we find a duplicate URL of the homepage and have determined which version to go for, provided that we have the necessary access, we will be implementing the 301 homepage redirect to our recommended version.

Domain Redirect Optimization

Domain Redirect Analysis

Some websites use both the WWW and the non-WWW version of its URLs. If this is the case, and the site does not redirect to WWW if non-WWW is used and vice versa, then the site needs to be redirected to its appropriate URL. Here, we will be determining which version should be used for your site in the search results so that the rankings and traffic will not be distributed and search engines will not interpret them as duplicates or different pages (

Domain Redirecting

If necessary and given the appropriate access, we will be implementing the 301 domain redirect to our recommended version - either WWW or non-WWW.

Website Logo Alt Text Optimization

Website Logo Alt Text Composition Analysis

Used with the img src http tag, Alt Text provides search engines an important way of understanding what the image is about.

We will be checking whether or not the site's existing website logo's alt text is utilized and properly optimized.  We only do this on the banner/logo since this is generally an image that can be seen on ALL pages within the site -- This makes the area very visible to search engines.

We can add optimized alt texts to the rest of the images within the pages of your choosing for an additional charge per alt text.

Website Logo Alt Text Optimization

If the site's existing website logo's alt text is not utilized and properly optimized, we will be creating/recommending an alternate text (alt text) for the website's logo.

Given that the image/logo is located at the topmost part of the source code, there is a very high chance that this will be picked up by search engines. Placing optimized text within the alt text attribute will help the pages rank. To compose the necessary alt text, the keywords that represent the site as a whole and the primary targeted keywords are taken into consideration along with the company/website's name and the geographic targets.

Robots.TXT Checking & Fixing

Part of our On Page optimization procedure is to check the website for issues concerning its robots.txt file and/or our target pages' robot meta tags.

The robots.txt file provides instructions about the site to web robots such as search engine crawlers ( The special HTML <META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT=""> tag can also be used to tell robots not to index the content of a page, and/or not scan it for links to follow (

Canonical URL Optimization (if necessary)

What is a canonical page?

A canonical page is the preferred version of a set of pages with highly similar content.
Why specify a canonical page?

It's common for a site to have several pages listing the same set of products. For example, one page might display products sorted in alphabetical order, while other pages display the same products listed by price or by rating. For example:

If Google knows that these pages have the same content, we may index only one version for our search results. Our algorithms select the page we think best answers the user's query. Now, however, users can specify a canonical page to search engines by adding a <link> element with the attribute rel="canonical" to the <head> section of the non-canonical version of the page. Adding this link and attribute lets site owners identify sets of identical content and suggest to Google: "Of all these pages with identical content, this page is the most useful. Please prioritize it in search results."

Page Title Optimization

The Page Title <Title></Title> indicates the title of the page. It shows on the browser's title window and more importantly, it is the main big link that users click on when they are viewing the search engine's results page. Search engines read title tags and relate them to the page's content. The title tag will be optimized in a way that it contains the target keywords and is eye catching at the same time.

Meta Description Optimization

The Meta Description, like any other meta tag, is only processed by the search engines. It ideally contains a brief description of the webpage. The meta description tag is typically a sentence or two of content which describes the contents of the page. A good meta description tag should: be relevant and unique to the page; reinforce the page title; and focus on including offers and secondary keywords and phrases to help add context to the page title. 

Optimizing this meta tag will help rankings a lot because relevant meta description tags may appear in search results as part of the page description below the page title.

This Meta Description tag will be optimized in a way that is both very enticing for users and keyword relevant for search engines.

Uploading of Optimized Meta Tags

Once the Page Title & Meta Descriptions have been created, if we have the necessary access, we will upload the optimized Meta Tags to their corresponding target pages.

Duplicate Website Content Checking

We will be checking your website for duplicate content and providing a duplicate content report if any exists.  If you hired someone to write your website are you 100% sure it is unique content.  Many copywriters simply rewrite or blatantly copy content from other websites.  It is of extreme importance to have original, unique content on your website.  If we detect significant duplicate content we will be requiring for this content to be rewritten in order to ensure maximum rankability of the website.

Content Analysis and Optimization Guidelines

In the world of SEO, Content is King!

Consequently, the target pages' content will be analyzed and, if necessary, we will be recommending additional content or changes to the existing content to make sure that they are properly optimized.  The desired word count on a target URL/page for competitive keywords is no less than 400 words. For less competitive or non-competitive keywords/niches, a minimum of 350 words will do. 

Once the content requirements have been determined per page, we will be creating additional content writing guidelines detailing out how much additional content is needed, what keywords need to be used and how many times per keyword.

NOTE: Should you need content to be written by us, we have professional writers available that will write for an additional cost.

Duplicate and Missing H1 Analysis and Optimization

H1 Analysis

Search engines pay special attention to text that is marked with a heading tag (H1), as such, H1 text is distinguished from the rest of the page content as being more important and is used to help the search engines identify what a page is about. Your desired keywords appear in heading tags if you want them to be noticed by the search engines.

H1 Optimization*

Placing keywords on H1 texts will help increase the relevance of that keyword to the page. Google places high importance on the first major heading <h1> on a page – the logic being that Google expects it to contain prime keywords.

You should only use a single H1 element on each page, and may want to use multiple other heading elements to structure a document. An H1 element source would look like: <h1>Your Topic</h1>

Keyword Optimization of Existing Website Content

Incorporating target keywords to a target page's existing text content: 

If a target page has unique content that is at least 300 words in length, the said content will be optimized by inserting the target keywords. We make sure that each keyword insert sounds natural to Web site visitors and is grammatically tolerable (even if the keyword is inherently grammatically incorrect).

Unless specified and paid for, this process does not involve fixing any grammar and spelling issues found in the original content - only the integration of the target keywords.

Content Uploading

Uploading/Updating the target page with optimized content:

When website content is supplied (either by us or you) and is determined to have passed our keyword requirements, the content will then be uploaded to the live target page.

Promo Call to Action Installation

If applicable, we will be writing promotional content on a monthly basis.  As part of most marketing campaigns we ask you to come up with promotions you are willing to offer to your customers/clients.  These promotions will be published in many different channels, but specifically published on your blog in the category "Promotions".  In order for users on your website to find your latest promotions we need to install a "Promotion Call to Action" on your website.  

Typically this is in the form of a banner we create and upload to the sidebar or footer area of your website.  This way, when site users are on your primary website pages they can still reference an image link to find your latest promotions.  

Promotions are extremely important to online marketing campaigns and have always been a staple to every large brick and mortar business in the world. 

Page Load Optimization

Do you know how long it takes to load a page on average on your website?  Google has publicly stated that page load time impacts your search engine rankings.  Not only does slower page load time impact your rankings, but it also impacts your users experience.  Websites with faster page load times experience a lower user bounce rate.  In short, when your website loads faster everyone is happier.

Increase a page's load speed can be rather complex and take a lot of work.  Optimization page load time on a website page by page by page could be a daunting task.  We will setup your website for page load speed optimization site-wide.  We will use special software to help compress your javascript, and minimize the number of network connections.  We will also be able to spot third party resources that are slowing down your page's load time.  

Page load time optimization is a task that requires monthly monitoring and during the setup phase we will establish what are the best setting given your specific website.

Image Optimization

A large portion of optimizing a pages load speed is optimizing the images.  However optimizing images over an entire website would be extremely time consuming and rather expensive.  You also have to take into consideration how your images are optimized for mobile devices.  Ideally images are optimized one way for a normal desktop or laptop user and optimized a different way for mobile browser to find that perfect match of quality and performance.

We will setup image optimization on your website so all images across your site are auto optimized upon the page rendering.  Images will be optimized per user type and image optimization settings will be selected based on the type of website you own. On average you should expect a 30% reduction of image size upon page load.

Static Content Cache Optimization

When your website server caches your static content, it still has to load that cache every time a user visits your website.  This static content serving on your server can cause your hosting environment to slow down and may even cause higher hosting fees on your end.  We will take this load off of your hands and handle the serving of your static content off a Global Content Delivery network.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN) Implementation

Page load speed optimization is not enough.  It is important to have your website load for your users from a server nearest them.  For instance if you are in New York and trying to load a website that is hosted on a server in Seattle, it will take you a lot longer to load that website hosted in Seattle as opposed to the same website being hosted in New York.  

With a Global Content Delivery network we can take your cached static content (does not require you to change hosting providers) and make this cached content available from local servers around the world.  Even if your audience is all in one country, we would still be able to load this cached content from a server nearest the user whom is trying to load it.  The CDN service we use has servers all over the would and many servers throughout USA, Canada, Australia, and UK to name a few.  The static content on a website is what typically requires the most load time, so making this content available from servers nearest the user will noticeably increase load time. 

Keep in mind, this does not require you to change hosting providers.

Mobile User Optimization

In order to optimize your website for mobile users we have to load the pages different for each different mobile device.  Different mobile devices can also be using different browsers.  The software we will configure will optimize the images specifically for a mobile device and also modify how the page loads based on the browser the mobile device is using.

Static Content Up-Time Security

Website up time certainly plays a role in your keyword ranking performance.  You cannot rank a website high in the search engines if the website keeps going down.  Sometimes your hosting provider will have issues and your website might go down.  In the event of your website going down we can cache your static content and make sure the majority of your website stays up.  Of course functions such as forms, payments, and dynamics actions would still be down, but at least the static content of the website would remain up in the event of your website going down.  This service is necessary for websites whom have high bandwidth and cannot afford to be down from a search engine perspective.  

Note: keep in mind this service will not allow an ecommerce system to remain active in the event the website goes down.  Any actions that requires communication with your database will not work.  This only allows the static content to populate such as; images, written content, and embedded media. A typical wordpress website would look seemingly normal, but a website displaying dynamic pages based on different parameters would not operate.  This service is not 100% guaranteed as different websites treat static content differently.

SSL Encryption and Optimization

Website security is very important.  SSL encrypts customer information. As this information is being transferred across the network it is encrypted into either 128-bits or 256-bits, depending on the level of encryption you chose. People (or bots) looking to steal this information would have to decrypt it first, which in this modern age is extremely difficult to do. Without an SSL, it is a great deal easier as the information is not encrypted. The benefit of SSL is it helps keep personal information, such as name, address, and especially payment details safer online.

Another benefit to SSL is showing your website visitor you care about their security.  Why don't all website use SSL encryption?  Typically small website owners do not use SSL because it is either too expensive or they are worried about it slowing down their page load speed.

We cover the expense  and the load speed issues so there should be no reason why your website should not be secure.  With the SSL encryption optimization we use, your page load speed will not be impacted. 

Comment Spam Protection

If you do moderate the blog on your website, then you know how annoying it can be to have to moderate through all the automated comment spam.  We will cross check all IP addresses accessing your website to see if any of them have been blacklisted and marked as spammers.  If they are marked as spammers we will not allow them to comment on your blog.

Malware Protection

The majority of time a website becomes infested with malware, it is because a particular visitor to that website had a way of accessing the website in one form or another.  We will be able to detect if users on your website have malware or not and prompt them with a message to get their PC cleaned of malware. 

Content Scraping Protection

Keeping your content unique to your own website is important.  Every day there are thousands of bots scraping the internet for data.  These bots go into your website and mine for any sort of data they can find.  They are looking for written content, images, and address information among other things.  With content scraping protection this will prevent content scrapers from slowing down your page load speed and stealing your content.

XML Sitemap Analysis, Generation & Installation - Google & Bing

XML Sitemap Generation

An XML Sitemap is a special file that provides search engines with specific directives about what pages to crawl and how often.  

If the site does not have an existing, auto-updated XML Sitemap, we will be creating one using various XML sitemap generator tools. If the site's CMS permits, we will be installing a sitemap generator plug-in/module to make sure that it's auto-updated.

XML Sitemap Installation

Once the XML Sitemap has been created successfully, it will be uploaded to the website's root directory. Sitemap Generation and Installation is done each time our optimizations involve a change to the URL structure of the website.

XML Sitemap Uploading to Google Webmaster

Google Webmaster is a program that webmasters can use to help Google index their contents using XML Sitemaps.  After the XML Sitemap is installed on the site, we will then submit it to Google Webmaster for verification.

XML Sitemap Uploading to Bing Webmaster

Bing Webmaster Tools is Bing's Google Webmaster counterpart.  After the XML Sitemap is installed on the site, we will also be submitting it to Bing Webmaster for verification.

Google Analytics Script Analysis, Generation & Installation (Target Pages & Homepage)

Google Analytics Script Analysis

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool offering detailed visitor statistics. The tool can be used to track all the usual site activities: visits, page views, pages per visit, bounce rates, average time on the site, and much more.  It is an in-depth traffic analytics program.

We will be checking the site for an existing and working Google Analytics (GA) script.  What we find will determine whether or not we need to generate a GA code for the site.  

Google Analytics Script Generation*

Generating a Google Analytics (GA) script for the site:
If the site does not have a GA script or the client prefers we replace the existing one, then we will generate the GA script for the website. The code generated will later be installed on the site.

Google Analytics Script Installation*

Installing the Google Analytics (GA) script to the site:
The generated GA script will be added to the site's source code. This will be used to track user interactions with the website via the Google Analytics dashboard.

Google Webmaster Script Generation & Installation

Google Webmaster Script Analysis

After 2 to 3 weeks, or once Google Webmaster has enough data, we will then go in and analyze Google Webmaster to make sure your website is indexing properly, malware free, and crawl error free.

Google Webmaster Script Generation*

Google Webmaster allows you to obtain data about crawling, indexing and search traffic. It also allows you to receive notifications about problems on your site.  Consequently, we will be generating a new Google Webmaster verification file for the site to gather valuable information that enables us to:

1) Find out how Google crawls, indexes and ranks your site
2) See how many people found your site in the search results, and how many people clicked on it
3) Tell you if we detect that your site has malware or generates errors
4) See other sites that are linking to yours
5) Tell Google about your site - submit Sitemaps and see how many pages we added to the index

Google Webmaster Script Installation*

Installation of the Google Webmaster Script is done either through uploading an HTML file to the site's root directory or adding a meta code on the site's homepage.  This will  depend on what's applicable to the website access granted.

Google Webmaster Geographic Target Setting, Preferred Domain

Setting the geographic target of a website on Google Webmaster:

This is done via Google Webmaster Tools upon completing the verification process. The country targeted by the website will be assessed through the website's content and the campaign documents. This will help increase the relevance of the website in a particular location.

Website Malware and Virus Check

Diagnosing the site for malware, viruses or other malicious entities:

The site's behavior will be manually analyzed and its files will be thoroughly diagnosed using malware and virus scanners. This is to ensure that the site is functional and is being indexed normally by search engines.

Pre & Post Optimization Website Backup

Pre-Optimization Website Backup

Creating a local backup of the website before any On Page optimization:
All downloadable website files will be saved and secured locally before we implement any On Page optimizations.

Post-Optimization Website Backup

Creating a local backup of the website after any On Page optimization:
All downloadable website files will be secured locally after a session of on page optimization is completed. This will serve as a saving point and will aid the tracking and troubleshooting if any issues are encountered in the future.

1 Year Secure Backup Storage*

This will ensure that the backup copy of the website will be secured and will not be removed from our server for an entire year.

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

The auditing process includes, but is not limited to, the checking of the following:
1. Format
2. Link status analysis
3. 100% of the month's work is completed in full
4. Report is updated accordingly
5. Fixing of errors or dead links

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Meta Tag Audit on Target URLs

Meta tags, especially the page title and meta descriptions, are very important aspects in On Page SEO.  Once we have already keyword optimized the target pages’ meta tags, it is crucial that they remain untouched. Our SEO efforts will not be as effective otherwise.

We will be auditing the meta tags of the target pages on a monthly basis to ensure that they are in place.

Google Webmaster Error Checking & Reporting

Google Webmaster Error Checking

This involves checking the website for crawl errors, malware and other problems using the diagnostic tool found in Google Webmaster.

Google Webmaster Error Report

If we find a crawl error on the site, we will be forwarding it to you along with any solutions we have for fixing it.

The reported URLs typically need to be redirected to either the homepage or their new counterpart URLs. Alternatively, they can be blocked using the robots.txt file and reported to Google for removal.  The first redirect option is preferred and has more benefits in terms of SEO.

Unique Content Writing (400-500 words)(see content type options below)

Google has always said, "Content is King".  We write content on an ongoing monthly basis to expand your website, keep the content updates to the website fresh, and to create an ongoing "social buzz" about your website.  When we create new content we strategically link it up to other pages in our internally documented content siloing outline.  The content is posted to the blog on-going monthly.  The type of content we write depends on the type of content you want us to write.  We have a content type scheduler that allows you to go in and choose what type of content you want us to write, what keywords you want us to write it about, and notes you can give us so we know exactly what we should be writing about.

The four primary types of content we write are:

Company Updates
Press Releases
Industry News

— Press Release

This involves writing a fully optimized Press Release that represents the company's special promotions or important business updates.

Press Releases are a great way of exposing your brand and exposing any interesting and important news you'd like to share with your target market and audience. Through Press Releases, you are able to announce any company changes using mainstream media outlets. Press Releases rank incredibly well in the search engines and provide you with a great media outlet tool for your company and any company changes you'd like to share with the general public.

The syndication of these Press Releases provides essential, strong back links back to our target pages via keyword anchor text.  Our Press Releases are individually strategized and linked back to the corresponding pages of the website. 

— Company Updates

Company updates are pretty much what you would expect them to be.  When we write fresh content for your blog on a monthly basis we want to write about something in regards to your company that is both appealing to your social and website audience.  Company updates provide us content for amazing blog articles and people really do enjoy reading about company updates.  In your content scheduler and intake portal you will be able to tell us what is going on with your company so we know when we can put this information into a company update blog article. 

— Promotion

Promotions are important for any company, especially in regards to online marketing.  Most people looking around the internet are not especially interested in anything other than specifically what they are searching for.  However, if someone is online and might be curious about your services or products, then a promotion would attract their attention.

Promotions are time sensitive and prompt people to take action and make a purchase or other action in order to redeem the promotion.  With your input, we will write about your promotions and publish them for you. 

— Industry News

If you have no input on any press release, company updates, or promotions, then we will by default write about "Industry News".  When we write about industry news this would also be published on your blog in the industry news category.  Industry news makes for wonderful blog content because it is relevant, up to date, and will also attract searchers looking to read about that particular industry news in your area.  Therefore, if you are looking for local or national clients and keep an up to date blog on the most recent industry news, this will help you to pull in the searchers looking for additional reading material about the particular industry news we wrote about.  Posting industry news to your blog is not all we do.  We clip in industry news from outside sources and then we write about the news story and associate the news in one way or another to your services or products so we can direct traffic from your blog to your target pages.

Uploading Content to Blog

The "unique content" written will be in the form of either a press release, company update, promotion, or industry news.  This content will then be uploaded to the appropriate blog category in the blog on your website.  We will make sure the blog content is properly displaying and formatted at the basic level. 

Categorizing and Tagging Content in Blog

When we upload the written content to your blog we will make sure to properly categorize and tag it.  Tags are descriptive comma separated words that describe the written content.  These tags will be keyword optimized tags to help with the SEO strategy.  

Interlinking Blog Page to Target and Related Pages

When we upload the blog article, we will make sure to interlink the blog article to the respective target page.  Blog articles are written with the intent of supporting the primary target pages we created.  Therefore the keywords used in the blog articles will reflect the same keyword subject matter of the keywords on the primary target page it will be interlinked to.  By interlinking keyword related blog articles on a monthly basis we are expanding each content silo on the website monthly and over time the website could become an authority in the search engines based on content alone.  

Blog Article Page Title and Meta Tag Writing & Uploading

When writing blog articles it is important to keep in mind that you also need to create a descriptive and keyword relevant page title and meta description.  Each blog article we write for you will also have a page title and meta description written.

Promotion or News Image Placement (*if applicable)

If you selected to have use write about a promotion or industry news in a particular month, we will be placing an image in the content we write.  If you selected to have us write about a promotion for your company then we would generate a graphically designed "coupon" with a bar code and place it within the blog post about the promotion. 

If you selected to have us write about industry news then we would "clip" industry news and show an image of the industry news we are writing about on the blog article.

Social Media Distribution

We write fresh content for you on a monthly basis and we need a way to tell the world about this content.  The content is uploaded to your blog and we would claim authorship over the written content with your related Google + account.  We let the world know about your newly created content through the 10 social media accounts we set up for you.  We will go into each account and make a "post" or "update" letting everyone know about the newly created content.  Of course we will not say "Hey look at my new content".. we would be letting people know that either a new company update, press release, promotion or industry news article has been posted and to check it out.  

Social media content distribution generates additional social buzz and sends traffic to your blog.  We can also generate back links doing this.  Ideally this would also generate social signals to your blog articles in the form of Facebook likes, Google +1's etc, however this is dependent on the users actions.

Social Sharing Distribution

Once we have written fresh content for your blog, we want to share it with the outside world.  What better way to share newly created content than through social sharing.  Social sharing websites are established for the purpose of telling everyone about the content you prefer online and then others can also see it.  The nice thing about social sharing is the ability to have others go to what you shared and add it to their "sharing list" and then everyone who sees their sharing list would also see your page and it could go viral.  Social sharing is a no brainer for telling the world about new content online and also builds back links.  We will use the social sharing accounts we setup during month 1 for this process.

Off-Site Blog Distribution

When you have multiple blogs you want to keep your audience updated on all your fresh content.  We will be setting up 6 blogs for you.  One of those blogs is on your website, and 5 of the blogs are on outside third party websites as stated in the month 1 line items.   When we post new content on your blog we make sure to go into your other 5 external blogs and make a post to let people know about the new content on your blog.  They will be able to read part of the content but would need to continue to your website to finish reading the piece of content.  By posting notices about new content to your external blogs we are able to keep your external blogs fresh, up to date, and build back links to your website.

Press Release Publications (*if applicable)

Press Releases are submitted to press release publication websites across the global internet.  The publications of the press releases are all done manually.  When submitting press releases (depending on the publication site) the keywords targeted in the press release have anchor text pointing back to the target page on your website.  The press release is properly categorized, tagged, and submitted to meet the publication date deadline.  

The purpose of submitting press releases is to build high quality back links to the target URL of your website, establish a greater branding presence online, and inform the public of a point of significance within your company.

Back link Count and Referring Domains Overview

Back links are incoming unique links to a website or web page. In basic link terminology, a back link is any link received by a web node (web page, directory, website, or top level domain) from another web node. Back links are also known as incoming links, inbound links, inlinks, and inward links.

The number of back links is an indication of the popularity or importance of a given website. Back links are important for SEO because some search engines like Google give more credit to websites that have a large number of quality back links, and consider those websites more relevant than others for relevant search queries.

Upon commencement of the campaign, before we start with link building, we will be generating a report with the site's total back links and referring domains count to assess the current popularity status of the site.

Competition Back-Link Analysis

Combining both manual and software intelligence, we will examine the competitions back links.  These back links will undergo analysis to determine the quality and probability of the link opportunity.  The list of approved linking opportunities will be provided to the link development team.  The link development team will try to successfully gain a link from the respective website.  If websites require a payment to establish a link, we will document the amount required and provide this in a report for future reference.  Paid linking opportunities (could be a directory, blog, forum etc.) should be addressed by you.

Targeted Back-Link Development

When the competitive back link analysis is complete, the target back link opportunities are sent to the back link development team. This team will go into the websites indicated in the back link opportunity report and attempt to gain a link back to your website.  This team has different tactics for developing back links.  Sometimes gaining a back link requires us to contact the webmaster of the website we want a link from, sometimes we need to publish content, and sometimes we have to simply enter in business information.  The amount of time spent attempting to establish a back link from each back link opportunity will depend on the priority level of the back link opportunity.  The back link analysis team establishes the priority level of the back link opportunity before sending it to the back link development team.

Page Load Optimization

Although this is setup and configured on month 1 of the campaign, the service needs to run on a monthly basis to ensure ongoing page load speed optimization. 

Increase a page's load speed can be rather complex and take a lot of work.  Optimization page load time on a website page by page by page could be a daunting task.  We will setup your website for page load speed optimization site-wide.  We will use special software to help compress your javascript, and minimize the number of network connections.  We will also be able to spot third party resources that are slowing down your page's load time.  

Page load time optimization is a task that requires monthly monitoring and during the setup phase we will establish what are the best setting given your specific website.

Image Optimization

Image optimization requires a monthly service to continue to optimize all images site wide.  

A large portion of optimizing a pages load speed is optimizing the images.  However optimizing images over an entire website would be extremely time consuming and rather expensive.  You also have to take into consideration how your images are optimized for mobile devices.  Ideally images are optimized one way for a normal desktop or laptop user and optimized a different way for mobile browser to find that perfect match of quality and performance.

We will perform image optimization on your website so all images across your site are auto optimized upon the page rendering.  Images will be optimized per user type and image optimization settings will be selected based on the type of website you own. On average you should expect a 30% reduction of image size upon page load.

Static Content Cache Optimization

When your website server caches your static content, it still has to load that cache every time a user visits your website.  This static content serving on your server can cause your hosting environment to slow down and may even cause higher hosting fees on your end.  We will take this load off of your hands and handle the serving of your static content off a Global Content Delivery network. 

Note: this service runs monthly to continually optimize your static content caching.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Page load speed optimization is not enough.  It is important to have your website load for your users from a server nearest them.  For instance if you are in New York and trying to load a website that is hosted on a server in Seattle, it will take you a lot longer to load that website hosted in Seattle as opposed to the same website being hosted in New York.  

With a Global Content Delivery network we can take your cached static content (does not require you to change hosting providers) and make this cached content available from local servers around the world.  Even if your audience is all in one country, we would still be able to load this cached content from a server nearest the user whom is trying to load it.  The CDN service we use has servers all over the would and many servers throughout USA, Canada, Australia, and UK to name a few.  The static content on a website is what typically requires the most load time, so making this content available from servers nearest the user will noticeably increase load time. 

Keep in mind, this does not require you to change hosting providers. 

Note: this service runs monthly to continually be able to utilize a CDN network.

Mobile User Optimization

In order to optimize your website for mobile users we have to load the pages different for each different mobile device.  Different mobile devices can also be using different browsers.  The software we will configure will optimize the images specifically for a mobile device and also modify how the page loads based on the browser the mobile device is using. 

Note: this service runs monthly to continually be able to optimize pages for mobile users.

Static Content Up-Time Security

Website up time certainly plays a role in your keyword ranking performance.  You cannot rank a website high in the search engines if the website keeps going down.  Sometimes your hosting provider will have issues and your website might go down.  In the event of your website going down we can cache your static content and make sure the majority of your website stays up.  Of course functions such as forms, payments, and dynamics actions would still be down, but at least the static content of the website would remain up in the event of your website going down.  This service is necessary for websites whom have high bandwidth and cannot afford to be down from a search engine perspective.  

Note: keep in mind this service will not allow an ecommerce system to remain active in the event the website goes down.  Any actions that requires communication with your database will not work.  This only allows the static content to populate such as; images, written content, and embedded media. A typical wordpress website would look seemingly normal, but a website displaying dynamic pages based on different parameters would not operate.  This service is not 100% guaranteed as different websites treat static content differently. 

This service runs on a monthly basis.

SSL Encryption and Optimization

Website security is very important.  SSL encrypts customer information. As this information is being transferred across the network it is encrypted into either 128-bits or 256-bits, depending on the level of encryption you chose. People (or bots) looking to steal this information would have to decrypt it first, which in this modern age is extremely difficult to do. Without an SSL, it is a great deal easier as the information is not encrypted. The benefit of SSL is it helps keep personal information, such as name, address, and especially payment details safer online.

Another benefit to SSL is showing your website visitor you care about their security.  Why don't all website use SSL encryption?  Typically small website owners do not use SSL because it is either too expensive or they are worried about it slowing down their page load speed.

We cover the expense  and the load speed issues so there should be no reason why your website should not be secure.  With the SSL encryption optimization we use, your page load speed will not be impacted. 

This service runs on a monthly basis. 

Comment Spam Protection

If you do moderate the blog on your website, then you know how annoying it can be to have to moderate through all the automated comment spam.  We will cross check all IP addresses accessing your website to see if any of them have been blacklisted and marked as spammers.  If they are marked as spammers we will not allow them to comment on your blog. 

This service runs on a monthly basis.

Malware Protection

The majority of time a website becomes infested with malware, it is because a particular visitor to that website had a way of accessing the website in one form or another.  We will be able to detect if users on your website have malware or not and prompt them with a message to get their PC cleaned of malware.  

This service runs on a monthly basis.

Content Scraping Protection

Keeping your content unique to your own website is important.  Every day there are thousands of bots scraping the internet for data.  These bots go into your website and mine for any sort of data they can find.  They are looking for written content, images, and address information among other things.  With content scraping protection this will prevent content scrapers from slowing down your page load speed and stealing your content. 

This service runs on a monthly basis.

Dedicated IP Services

We will provide a dedicated IP for link building purposes. We do this to ensure the link building quality and increase the likelihood of approval for the links we are building.  This is because having a dedicated IP allows for a higher approval percentage of the links we build and increases the indexing power behind those links in the major search engines.

IP services will also be utilized when creating your accounts. 

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

All Reporting is subjected to a monthly routine auditing and assessment process. We perform this auditing on a monthly basis to assure that all reports are up to date, error free and properly formatted.

The auditing process includes, but is not limited to, the checking of the following:
1. Format
2. Link status analysis
3. 100% of the month's work is completed in full
4. Report is updated accordingly
5. Fixing of errors or dead links

Ranking Report Updates

While we run rankings daily, your SEO Work Report is updated on a bi-weekly basis.  We prefer to see rankings on a bi-weekly basis for comparison purposes. Being that rankings typically fluctuate on a daily basis, accurate representation of a site's organic rankings is difficult to gauge when looking at daily results.  Therefore we provide rankings in two formats, bi-weekly rankings documented on the work report, and daily rankings documented in a ranking dashboard.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

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