Social Media Optimization - Youtube

Here are our Social Media Optimization - Youtube Packages designed to help your business succeed further.

Hover over the question marks to get a quick description. You may also download this as a PDF with or without the extensive descriptions at the bottom part of this document.

In addition, you may view or download our primer on the marketing benefits of Youtube for your business.


Youtube Setup and Design

Package Name
Setup & Design
One Time Service
Time for Completion - One Month
YouTube Creation and Design
YouTube Setup
YouTube Channel Creation & Optimization

YouTube is undoubtedly the most popular video site today. Millions of people use this service and it is a great way to provide your videos a platform to get noticed.

We will create an account for you on YouTube, if one is not already provided, and optimize it by filling out the proper information and making sure it is as informative as possible.

Unique Email Account Creation (if required)

The creation of a YouTube profile requires a Gmail account. We will create this unique email prior to creating the profile if one is not provided already. At the same time, we will make sure that the Gmail account we create would be branded towards the company/business.

Youtube Channel Design w/ Image Sourcing, Editing, Resizing, and Customizing

To make your YouTube Channel much more appealing and give it branding, we will create a background design for it to covey the company's brand. If images are not provided, we can base it off the company's website or any specific instruction provided to us. With that, we will source images, edit them as needed, and create a background design for the channel to give it that extra 'wow' factor.

Image Sourcing for Design

We will source images from the website and stock photo sites as needed in order to create the design.

Image Editing and Resizing

We will resize and edit the sourced or provided images in order to fit the design concept for the YouTube channel.

Image Cleaning and Finalizing

We will clean the images as needed in order to get the best look and feel for the design.

Branded Content Writing for Youtube Channel

Although videos convey the company's message on YouTube, some people may not spend the time and bandwidth to view each one of your videos. To get an overview of what the videos, and the company is all about, they would view the Channel page.

This is where Branded Content Writing would be useful. From the name itself, it allows us to brand the company through words and provide people with a quick and easy way to find out what the channel is all about.

We will use information as provided for the content as well as information available on their website.

Up to 250 Words
YouTube Channel Profile Information Population

Credibility is important in the world of social networking, and that credibility can be measured partly by how easily people can get to know you. Sharing information about yourself is a great place to start.

For the YouTube Profile, we will be uploading information and contact details that are sent to us for specific use there.

Website Social Media Tracking
Social Sharing and Social Interaction Buttons Installed on Website and Blog

To increase client engagement, it is ideal to give them the opportunity to interact with you. Customers who have enjoyed or continue to enjoy your company's services and offerings will want to know how to get in touch. While email and customer hotlines are still around, Social Media is fast becoming a preferred alternative.

To this end, we will also be installing buttons onto your website and blog that will refer customers to your YouTube Page.

Social Media Analytics Installation - Google Analytics via Website

Google Analytics has incorporated a Social feature which shows traffic data gathered through Social Media websites. This is a great tool to measure the efficiency of the Social Media campaign which is why we will install Google Analytics onto the website as part of Social Integration. We will need to request for FTP and CPanel access to the website in order to install Google Analytics.

If the website already has Google Analytics installed, we would need to request our Gmail account to be provided Administrator access to it.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.


Youtube Marketing Services Packages

Package Name
Recommended Minimum Duration - can run for one month only, if desired
6 Months
6 Months
6 Months
Month 1 Services
Youtube Profile Creation, Design & Optimization
Youtube Setup
Video Creation

YouTube is made for video, so we're going to populate your profile with videos! With the use of photos, we can create informative, commercial type videos that hype up the company's products and services.

We will give focus and emphasis on the company and new products or services. Another option would be to highlight news/events associated with the company.

In line with Video Creation, we would need photos provided by the client. Initially, we can source these from the website and other locations but it would be best if these photos can be provided especially if we are to create videos regarding events.

Video Uploading

Once the videos are created, we will upload these onto YouTube for you in an optimized fashion.

Comment Posts using Videos in Youtube 'Video Responses''

One way to get the videos uploaded exposure is to make use of Video Responses. Basically this is similar to posting a comment on another video, but instead of words, it would show the campaign's videos.

Video Responses would be done on other people's videos that is related to the company's videos.

In this way, we know that it will be exposed to people who are interested in that topic.

Video Title Writing

As part of uploading and optimizing the video, we will write a catchy title for it which would briefly and clearly define what it is all about. At the same time, we will aim to make use of the target keyword in the title.

Video Description Writing

Another part of optimizing the video is through the creation of a description. This would provide users additional information about the video, the company, and the products/services showcased in the video.

This allows for another opportunity to get the message across to people and make use of keywords as well for SEO purposes.

Backlink Building within Video Description

It is possible to place URLs into the description, albeit without the use of anchor texts, so we will take full advantage of this.

Aside from SEO benefits of this link, it also allows for direct traffic. People watching the video who are interested in the company's products and services can easily go to their website through this link on the description.

We will aim to place this link on top of the description to give it as much visibility as possible.

Video Keyword Tagging

There is a 'tag' section in the video options of YouTube. As part of the optimization process, we will use the keywords and phrases that best describe the video and hence, the company as well.

This will help in getting the video searched within YouTube and in Search Engine Results.

YouTube Video Commenting

YouTube users are always known to be very vocal through comments. To make the profile seem more active and engaging, we will do commenting on other videos.

This does not mean spamming other videos with marketing spiels or the like, but simply comment on others to benefit the profile making it look more real and active on YouTube. This will send additional social signals and give the profile more credibility in the eyes of Google.

Website Social Media Tracking
Social Sharing and Social Interaction Buttons Installed on Website and Blog

To increase client engagement, it is ideal to give them the opportunity to interact with you. Customers who have enjoyed or continue to enjoy your company's services and offerings will want to know how to get in touch. While email and customer hotlines are still around, Social Media is fast becoming a preferred alternative.

To this end, we will also be installing buttons onto your website and blog that will refer customers to your Youtube Page.

Social Media Analytics Installation - Google Analytics via Website

Google Analytics has incorporated a Social feature which shows traffic data gathered through Social Media websites. This is a great tool to measure the efficiency of the Social Media campaign which is why we will install Google Analytics onto the website as part of Social Integration. We will need to request for FTP and CPanel access to the website in order to install Google Analytics.

If the website already has Google Analytics installed, we would need to request our Gmail account to be provided Administrator access to it.

Misc Service Items
Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Reporting and Auditing
Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Social Media Analytics

Youtube Setup and Design

YouTube Channel Creation & Optimization

YouTube is undoubtedly the most popular video site today. Millions of people use this service and it is a great way to provide your videos a platform to get noticed.

We will create an account for you on YouTube, if one is not already provided, and optimize it by filling out the proper information and making sure it is as informative as possible.

Unique Email Account Creation (if required)

The creation of a YouTube profile requires a Gmail account. We will create this unique email prior to creating the profile if one is not provided already. At the same time, we will make sure that the Gmail account we create would be branded towards the company/business.

Youtube Channel Design w/ Image Sourcing, Editing, Resizing, and Customizing

To make your YouTube Channel much more appealing and give it branding, we will create a background design for it to covey the company's brand. If images are not provided, we can base it off the company's website or any specific instruction provided to us. With that, we will source images, edit them as needed, and create a background design for the channel to give it that extra 'wow' factor.

Image Sourcing for Design

We will source images from the website and stock photo sites as needed in order to create the design.

Image Editing and Resizing

We will resize and edit the sourced or provided images in order to fit the design concept for the YouTube channel.

Image Cleaning and Finalizing

We will clean the images as needed in order to get the best look and feel for the design.

Branded Content Writing for Youtube Channel

Although videos convey the company's message on YouTube, some people may not spend the time and bandwidth to view each one of your videos. To get an overview of what the videos, and the company is all about, they would view the Channel page.

This is where Branded Content Writing would be useful. From the name itself, it allows us to brand the company through words and provide people with a quick and easy way to find out what the channel is all about.

We will use information as provided for the content as well as information available on their website.

YouTube Channel Profile Information Population

Credibility is important in the world of social networking, and that credibility can be measured partly by how easily people can get to know you. Sharing information about yourself is a great place to start.

For the YouTube Profile, we will be uploading information and contact details that are sent to us for specific use there.

Social Sharing and Social Interaction Buttons Installed on Website and Blog

To increase client engagement, it is ideal to give them the opportunity to interact with you. Customers who have enjoyed or continue to enjoy your company's services and offerings will want to know how to get in touch. While email and customer hotlines are still around, Social Media is fast becoming a preferred alternative.

To this end, we will also be installing buttons onto your website and blog that will refer customers to your YouTube Page.

Social Media Analytics Installation - Google Analytics via Website

Google Analytics has incorporated a Social feature which shows traffic data gathered through Social Media websites. This is a great tool to measure the efficiency of the Social Media campaign which is why we will install Google Analytics onto the website as part of Social Integration. We will need to request for FTP and CPanel access to the website in order to install Google Analytics.

If the website already has Google Analytics installed, we would need to request our Gmail account to be provided Administrator access to it.

Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

Youtube Marketing Services Packages

Video Creation

YouTube is made for video, so we're going to populate your profile with videos! With the use of photos, we can create informative, commercial type videos that hype up the company's products and services.

We will give focus and emphasis on the company and new products or services. Another option would be to highlight news/events associated with the company.

In line with Video Creation, we would need photos provided by the client. Initially, we can source these from the website and other locations but it would be best if these photos can be provided especially if we are to create videos regarding events.

Video Uploading

Once the videos are created, we will upload these onto YouTube for you in an optimized fashion.

Comment Posts using Videos in Youtube 'Video Responses''

One way to get the videos uploaded exposure is to make use of Video Responses. Basically this is similar to posting a comment on another video, but instead of words, it would show the campaign's videos.

Video Responses would be done on other people's videos that is related to the company's videos.

In this way, we know that it will be exposed to people who are interested in that topic.

Video Title Writing

As part of uploading and optimizing the video, we will write a catchy title for it which would briefly and clearly define what it is all about. At the same time, we will aim to make use of the target keyword in the title.

Video Description Writing

Another part of optimizing the video is through the creation of a description. This would provide users additional information about the video, the company, and the products/services showcased in the video.

This allows for another opportunity to get the message across to people and make use of keywords as well for SEO purposes.

Backlink Building within Video Description

It is possible to place URLs into the description, albeit without the use of anchor texts, so we will take full advantage of this.

Aside from SEO benefits of this link, it also allows for direct traffic. People watching the video who are interested in the company's products and services can easily go to their website through this link on the description.

We will aim to place this link on top of the description to give it as much visibility as possible.

Video Keyword Tagging

There is a 'tag' section in the video options of YouTube. As part of the optimization process, we will use the keywords and phrases that best describe the video and hence, the company as well.

This will help in getting the video searched within YouTube and in Search Engine Results.

YouTube Video Commenting

YouTube users are always known to be very vocal through comments. To make the profile seem more active and engaging, we will do commenting on other videos.

This does not mean spamming other videos with marketing spiels or the like, but simply comment on others to benefit the profile making it look more real and active on YouTube. This will send additional social signals and give the profile more credibility in the eyes of Google.

Social Sharing and Social Interaction Buttons Installed on Website and Blog

To increase client engagement, it is ideal to give them the opportunity to interact with you. Customers who have enjoyed or continue to enjoy your company's services and offerings will want to know how to get in touch. While email and customer hotlines are still around, Social Media is fast becoming a preferred alternative.

To this end, we will also be installing buttons onto your website and blog that will refer customers to your Youtube Page.

Social Media Analytics Installation - Google Analytics via Website

Google Analytics has incorporated a Social feature which shows traffic data gathered through Social Media websites. This is a great tool to measure the efficiency of the Social Media campaign which is why we will install Google Analytics onto the website as part of Social Integration. We will need to request for FTP and CPanel access to the website in order to install Google Analytics.

If the website already has Google Analytics installed, we would need to request our Gmail account to be provided Administrator access to it.

Dedicated IP Services

We use dedicated IP Services for your campaign to make sure we do not encounter any problems with Social Media site's local security.

Internal Report Auditing and Analysis

For your convenience, we will make sure that reports will include only relevant information, and the most significant trends and inferences will be determined from the data.

Work Reports

All tasks will be tracked throughout the whole month and are reflected on the monthly report which includes all progress and final outcomes.

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