Database Wellness

  • To Supplement current staffing needs.
  • To accommodate vacations or leaves of absence.
  • To comprehensively support an entire organization via an outsourcing agreement.

RTT has created a new support program to assist small to mid-sized companies with their Oracle database needs. Our Database Wellness program is a customizable, comprehensive service designed to provide monitoring and administration of Oracle databases for clients with limited DBA personnel and/or expertise. We utilize time tested methods to analyze your database usage, forecast growth, optimize performance and implement corrective action to ensure that your database and its supporting operations run smoothly and continuously.

Our comprehensive Database Wellness program analyzes an existing database and hardware environment to discover existing or potential performance problems and recommend solutions.   Database Audits provide a supplement to normal DBA support services and Business Continuity Planning. RTT will analyze, make recommendations and develop implementation plans to improve the maintainability and service level that users and management expect.

Main Features

  • Advanced troubleshooting
  • Backup/Recovery Plan Analysis
  • Database Organization Analysis
  • Disaster Recovery Plan Analysis Improved availability
  • Hardware Utilization Analysis
  • Index Utilization Analysis
  • Improved performance
  • Staying current with new Oracle releases
  • Knowledge Transfer

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